Cute Miracles Hog and Tinyfin Rogue

Last updated 3 years, 6 months ago by
  • Casual

First up, this deck is not going to have a high win-rate. But, it has a very high cute-rate! The goal with this deck was to flood the board with as many Hogs and Murloc Tinyfins as possible in Standard. We never did manage to have just Hogs and Tinyfins fill our board, but we did summon 4 Hogs and 2 Tinyfins in a single turn...

So, this deck uses the Miracle Rogue shell, but drops most of the amazing win condition cards while keeping all the bounce effects so that we can play quite a few Hog Ranchers per game. This has all the crazy card draw from Miracle Rogue (mainly the Field Contact draw engine), but again, the goal wasn't winning as much as summoning a ton of cuteness! So, we used the draw engine to grab the Shadowsteps and Tenwu of the Red Smoke alongside Hog Ranchers and Murloc Tinyfins as quickly as possible. Still, we did win a number of games with power from Jandice Barov and Kazakus, Golem Shaper regardless.

If you'd like to see the deck in action, we've got a few fun highlight games at or below. Have fun flooding the board with cuteness!

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