bondage warrior
- Unknown Warrior
- Wild
- Ranked
Credit to tofu for the deck idea
If you wanted to play warrior but didn't want to sit through 30-minute games this is the deck for you. It's called Bondage Warrior because it's built around whipping all your minions. I ended rank 1 with this deck last season but couldn't hit legend due not playing for the majority of the month.
Plays like a midrange deck except almost all your cards have synergy with Overlord's Whip. This makes Rampage an actually playable (and actually fantastic) card, while Battle Rage becomes an insane source of card draw. Also Security Rover becomes a total nightmare for opponents to deal with.
In terms of matchups, this deck absolutely shits on Bomb Hunter. You're able to bully them off the board, gain tons of armor, and kill them while you're doing those things. Aggro shammy is a toss-up, while you do the same things you do vs Bomb Hunter you might be a little too slow to keep up. Token drood, zoolock and murloc shammy gets destroyed by the 1-drops, the whip, rushers and Security Rover. Warrior is a toss-up; sometimes you're able to set up a Grom lethal, other times you brick and get bullied off the board. Against rouge and midrange hunter you're unfavored, since they're able to remove your stuff and kill you (rouge) or out-value you (hunter). Mage is a really hard matchup for me to pin down because I've a negative WR vs them but the games always come down to the single digits in terms of their health total. Probably unfavored but only slightly. Against Paladin you're favored, you're able to pressure their health total while removing all their stuff.
Mulligan: keep Overlord's Whip and your 1-drops. Against warrior also keep Dr. Busted. On coin keep Dozing Marksman and Cruel Taskmaster if you have both.
Let me know if you want a more in-depth guide.
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13- 00
- 61
- 82
- 73
- 24
- 35
- 26
- 27+
- 1 Eternium Rover x 2
- 1 Improve Morale x 2
- 1 Town Crier x 2
- 2 Battle Rage x 2
- 2 Cruel Taskmaster x 2
- 2 Rampage x 2
- 3 Frothing Berserker x 2
- 3 Overlord's Whip x 2
- 4 Militia Commander x 2
- 6 Security Rover x 2
- 7 Dr. Boom, Mad Genius x 1
- 8 Grommash Hellscream x 1
- 2 Dozing Marksman x 2
- 3 Acolyte of Pain x 2
- 3 SN1P-SN4P x 1
- 5 Spiteful Smith x 2
- 5 Zilliax x 1
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hey I'm a very budget player so I don't have all the legendary cards. I had a fun time with my own enrage warrior.
I feel like there aren't as many enrage cards in your deck.
I currently don't have Grommash crafted would it be better to use leroy in this list?
Looks like a fun deck. I might have to give this one a whirl.
Is the spiteful smith warranted in the deck? You are just running 2 copies of 1 weapon. It just seems like it could be a hit or miss (maybe more of a miss). That and it has to be damaged in order for it to work (your deck would have no problem doing that). Maybe consider something else like Darius? I ran something similar not too long ago, it yielded mixed results. Your deck looks good, thanks for sharing.
I didn't own Darius so I didn't run him, and this deck likes curving out so spiteful smiths were pretty solid. Definitely one of the first cards I'd cut though.
This is totally the kind of warrior I love to play. Thanks for sharing.
Do you have a wild variant for this deck ?
Fought this on ladder while I was playing Murloc Shaman. I hate this deck and want to play it. Bondage Warrior for life!
"It's called Bondage Warrior because it's built around whipping all your minions."
Just a slight technicality here, but bondage actually just simply refers to the act of being restrained. Whipping by itself does not classify as bondage. Instead it's probably along the lines of sadomasochism. Although both are part of BDSM, they are two entirely separate things.
How I know this is not important, so don't go wondering.
EDIT: This also happened to be my 69th post. How fitting.
This deck is such a blast to play with! Whipping our opponents into shape is quite effective. I has such a good time that I made a video showcasing the deck in all its glory, I really hope you all enjoy!
Really nice! I did something similar (
I didn't include Leeroy in this list because Grom fulfills more or less the same role and there's a lot of better cards to run than Leeroy (Warpath and Wargear). It makes sense to run Leeroy in yours because your list is a lot more aggressive and less mech-oriented than mine. Definitely some interesting stuff to think about though.
Seems like Sul'thraze would be really good in your list over something like Gorehowl or Argent Commander!