Deathrattle Rogue

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
  • Ranked

This is a fun new deathrattle rogue deck i created that has had some success at rank 5. This deck has a lot of value in with lackeys, blink fox, togwaggle, and then the deathrattle combos. If a safeguard sticks to the board and you necrium vial it you can create some really good taunts with sn1p-sn4p. 

Bad matchups are mainly shaman because of hex and earth shock and warriors have to get really lucky with brawls and whatnot.

I'm only running 1 blightnozzle right now, but combo'd with necrium vial or the weapon you can kill some big early minions.


I'm gonna continue to tinker with this deck as i think it's not far from being competitive.

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