[13.10.2019] AnkaZoth Scheme Rogue

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
  • Ranked

UPDATE - 13.10.2019


10 wins out of 13 so far from Rank 5 to 4. The proof is down below.

We compensate relatively slow start with lots of healing in the deck. 

The idea is to reduce the cost of the deathrattle minions to 1 by Anka, the Buried, play them, trigger their deathrattles if we can and bring them back by N'Zoth, the Corruptor.

 Anka, the Buried is Ok to play at turn 5 even if you have just 2 - 3 deathrattle minions in your hand as long as you also have Necrium Vial too.  At turn 6, you can restore upto 16 health, you can summon 2 Mechanical Dragons or Baine Bloodhoofs or you can steal 2 of your opponent's minions.   

I will refine this deck recipe and expand the guide through the following days.



If yıu have the coin, absolutely keep Raiding Party and play it at turn 3. 


Against Aggro:

Against Control:


- Preparation: This card can be really important for this deck as it allows us to play a deathrattle minions like Cairne Bloodhoof and Necrium Vial in the same turn which is really good for tempo. Let me explain it with three different scenarios;

  1. We played Anka, the Buried at turn 5 but we're down to 10 health by turn 6 and our opponent has 3 big minions on board. We can play  1/1 Khartut Defender, 1/1 Rotten Applebaum and 1/1 Sylvanas Windrunner (or Sahket Sapper) for 3 mana, then play Preparation and Necrium Vial on Sylvanas Windrunner to steal two of our opponents minions. Our opponents will be intimidated to play another minion the next turn as well. You'll be surprised how often that scenario happens.
  2. It's turn 8, we're too desperate to finish the game with 2 Eviscerates or find a taunt minion to hold on to the game. Preparation + Myra's Unstable Element allows us to do both in the same turn.
  3. We played Myra's Unstable Element on turn 9 and our deck is empty. At turn 10, we can play N'Zoth, the Corruptor, then Preparation and finally Togwaggle's Scheme to fill our deck 5-6 N'Zoth, the Corruptors. That's auto conceed for our opponent.

- Sahket Sapper: Again, there are multiple reasons to choose this card.

  1. You'd prefer to have this against Sylvanas Windrunner
  2. It's better to avoid deathrattles.
  3. It's better against divine shield taunt minions when your side of the board is full thanks to N'Zoth, the Corruptor.
  4. 4-attack is better for face damage or removing multiple minion: Kill one, send the other back to hand. (I was backstabbing Sahket Sapper sometimes just for that)
  5. Adds nothing to Resurrection pool.

- Blightnozzle Crawler: I don't like it for the reasons I listed above.

- Togwaggle's Scheme is added to the list.

- Emperor Thaurissan: is added to the list. You can even play it while holding just one copy of Togwaggle's Scheme

- Sahket Sapper and Sylvanas Windrunner are the keys to beat the combo decks. Slow your opponents with taunts till you get those cards in your hand.  


CARDS TO CONSIDER: (in this order)



Coming soon....


For any questions, you may find me on: HS World - Serginho Aldair


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  • LostAngel1000's Avatar
    Academy Sleuth 260 39 Posts Joined 06/16/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Anka is ALWAYS at the bottom :( I see why people said not to make it before but I really hoped with Nzoth back... We might see a stromg Deathrattle Rogue return but alas if you can not draw a key card cause its ALWAYS on the bottom the deck :(

  • Bokasmo77's Avatar
    75 3 Posts Joined 08/01/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    18-26 41%wr w this deck in casual...didn't want to test in ranked...no wonder why. Not sure how you have such a high wr%


    I must be doing something wrong OR this deck is just a poor performer.


    • Bokasmo77's Avatar
      75 3 Posts Joined 08/01/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      Just deleted the deck after many tweeks to  make it, which included some early taunt minions to hold off aggro. Too much is necessary to make combo leaving you vulnerable without any answers to many opponents decks.


      Finished 30-44 ...pretty frakin' bad

    • Iplaywhite's Avatar
      Academy Sleuth 405 143 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      It needs more early game as the aggro meta is figured out.

  • elbkind's Avatar
    655 47 Posts Joined 03/15/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Is there a good replacement for cairne

    • HooliganPolygon's Avatar
      130 13 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      I just updated the list with a newer version. It requires no Cairne.

  • alezorc's Avatar
    Bulbasaur 175 8 Posts Joined 10/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Has Bloodmage Thalnos been a consideration for this deck?

    • HooliganPolygon's Avatar
      130 13 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      I tried it before but I can't say it's working well with N'Zoth.

      • alezorc's Avatar
        Bulbasaur 175 8 Posts Joined 10/11/2019
        Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

        I just thought that it could come clutch in for spell power and more draw. But then again, maybe the draw will backfire.

  • Iplaywhite's Avatar
    Academy Sleuth 405 143 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    fun deck!

    • HooliganPolygon's Avatar
      130 13 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      Thanks :)

      • Iplaywhite's Avatar
        Academy Sleuth 405 143 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
        Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

        I think one Shadowstep might be nice to consider as well


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