Shuffle Ye Tickets - Theorycraft
- Deathrattle Rogue
- Wild
- Casual
I've actually tried to make shuffle rogue months ago but because rogue dies so easily to just about every face hunter and spell mage around its fair to say I haven't had much success with it. Not to mention that if you don't draw the Ticket Masters by turn 4 you might as well just concede the match. Well, thanks to the new cards I can now retry to make this a passable tier 2 deck.
- You see Ticket Master, you see Sketchy Information, you see Counterfeit Blade. Yes this is deathrattle shuffle rogue, at its finest. Mulligan for ticket master or sketchy information, play on 3. If you somehow manage to get Grand Empress Shek'zara out on 6 you will likely get a board of angry 3/3 plushies along with a full hand.
- Infiltrator Lilian as insurance. At first I was thinking of playing only the ticket masters. But then I realise that if you get a 4/2 on 3, and then another 4/2 from the weapon, you'll likely just win against spell mages most of the time. But yeah, the real deal is still to get the ticket masters out but if you dont then there's no reason to despair because Lilian is still a good backup plan.
- Ideally you'll try to get either sketchy information or ticket master in your mulligan, but if you happen to get Efficient Octo-bot, there's no reason not to just keep it and play it on 2. If you manage the god hand of receiving the Encumbered Pack Mule while octobot is out then that's basically just two 2/3 taunts for 1 mana.
Some Notes on card choices
- Pandaren Importer is in this list because there are some spells that this rogue may want like Garrote, Cloak of Shadows, Cutting Class, Malevolent Strike, or just more damage in general. This makes the card just better than Venomous Scorpid because this deck's win condition may vary very quickly depending on situation.
- Encumbered Pack Mule is only here because outside of the main game plan there's just not many things rogue will be doing on turn 2, or turn 5. And with octobot this is still going to do, cheaply, the most important role outside of killing the opponent: Not dying before killing the opponent.
- Lion's Guard is a funny inclusion because my previous experiences leads me to believe that you'll likely be below 15 on 5 nearly all the time because most of your cards dont have rush and you can't cycle like miracle can. If you manage to get it to a massive 6/10 taunt on 5 your aggro opponent will be ruining his new keyboard. Plus, it fits that empty 5 mana slot. I'd give it a try, if nothing else.
- Rustrot Viper is a flex. If we're going to get paladins and spell mages all day then feel free to swap this for something else like Cult Neophyte. But if we're going to get the usual elemental shaman, then I think its fair to say that Doomhammer on 5 will end your dreams of which this card perfectly counters.
- There's no Shadowstep in this deck. That's mostly because I think 90% of the time I'd much rather have something else. Still, if you get it off pandaren importer, that's basically allowing for a 2nd roll of the dice.
I'll definitely be trying this out on launch. If only because I opened a Grand Empress Shek'zara and I'd like to know that this isn't just another 400 dust in my collection because this card has so much potential to succeed.
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4- 00
- 81
- 82
- 63
- 54
- 25
- 16
- 07+
- 1 Prize Plunderer x 2
- 1 Secret Passage x 2
- 1 SI:7 Extortion x 2
- 1 Wand Thief x 2
- 2 Swindle x 2
- 2 Wicked Stab (Rank 1) x 2
- 3 Efficient Octo-bot x 2
- 3 Ticket Master x 2
- 4 Counterfeit Blade x 2
- 4 Infiltrator Lilian x 1
- 4 Sketchy Information x 2
- 5 Jandice Barov x 1
- 6 Grand Empress Shek'zara x 1
- 2 Encumbered Pack Mule x 2
- 2 Pandaren Importer x 2
- 3 Mankrik x 1
- 3 Rustrot Viper x 1
- 5 Lion's Guard x 1
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