United In Stormwind Shudderwock Shaman

Last updated 3 years, 4 months ago by
  • Casual

This deck was inspired by the new United in Stormwind legendary Bolner Hammerbeak. The main idea is to copy your battlecries as much as possible with Bolner and Corrupt the Waters, while also copying your battlecry minions with Zola the Gorgon and Nobleman. Then you have Shudderwock to end the game.

General Game Plan

The general strategy is to use cheap battlecries such as Sludge Slurper, Cagematch Custodian, and Primal Dungeoneer to complete Corrupt the Waters as fast as possible while also generating resources. Then you use Zola the Gorgon and Nobleman to copy your minions while you either disrupt your opponent's strategy with Dirty Rat and Mutanus the Devourer, or out value them with Kazakus, Golem Shaper and Mankrik. Then to top it off you have Shudderwock to ensure you have enough steam to win the game.

Core Cards

Corrupt the Waters Card Image Bolner Hammerbeak Card Image Shudderwock Card Image

The core of this deck lies in it's ability to trigger a minion's battlecry more times than some people would consider reasonable. You have Corrupt the Waters to double every battlecry minion you play, Bolner Hammerbeak to use on special turns to trigger a battlecry three or more times, and Shudderwock to essentially double every play you have made throughout the entire game.

Good minions to copy are:

  • Bolner Hammerbeak, getting multiple copies of Bolner is ideal since he is able to copy a minions battlecry more efficiently than any other card in the deck. Just getting one or two additional copies should suffice, more than that and it will get difficult to utilize them all.
  • Mankrik, Mankrik is one of the best sources of damage in this deck, it is a good idea to copy his battlecry as often as possible. The additional burst damage and large bodies and tremendously helpful in closing out the game in any matchup.
  • Kazakus, Golem Shaper and the Golems themselves provide lots of flexability and value, he is way too strong to only be played once.
  • Lifedrinker, similar to Mankrik, Lifedrinker is a very good source of damage, but also a good source of healing. One of the main benefits of Lifedrinker is that when Shudderwock copies the battlecries, the damage will be dished out immediately.
  • Mutanus the Devourer, when fighting aggro decks, Mutanus isn't that helpful. But against control or combo he becomes the MVP. If you are able to eat three or more minions, you will likely win.

Draw/Card Generation

Primal Dungeoneer Card Image Ice Fishing Card Image Sludge Slurper Card Image

In terms of card draw we have:

In terms of card generation we have:

  • Sludge Slurper, which can generate lackeys which have the possibility of generating more cards themselves. Sludge Slurper is mainly used to help us complete the quest faster, and as a cheap way to trigger Bolner Hammerbeak multiple times.
  • Spirit Echo, which can very easily copy several minions at once. It can be a bit clunky to handle all of the cards, but the raw value is worth it. And if you only copy two minions, it is still strong.
  • Nobleman, which is unique in that we don't have to play the minion first to be able to copy it. This can be handy when copying Shudderwock or other expensive minions. Make sure to play the original version before the copy so that your opponent doesn't see which card got copied.
  • Zola the Gorgon, a classic of Shudderwock Shaman decks. Unlike Youthful Brewmaster or Bog Slosher, she doesn't remove stats from the board, and when you copy her battlecry you get multiple copies of the minion. Good value all around.
  • Kazakus, Golem Shaper, which is almost always going to be helpful in any situation. The deck also contains Lifedrinker which can be problematic, but Kazakus is powerful enough that it is worth waiting until later in the game to use.


Devolve Card Image Firemancer Flurgl Card Image Toxfin Card Image

This deck does have a lot of minions, so you will mainly be controlling the board with them. But there are still a number of cards that help you destroy your opponent's board.

Removal in this deck consists of:

  • Auctionhouse Gavel, this is mainly used for the discounts which help us trigger Bolner Hammerbeak multiple times, but it also hits two targets for two damage. Just make sure to preserve your life total as Lifedrinker is our only healing card.
  • Devolve, this is an exceptionally useful card as it not only reduces the attack and health of enemy minions, but it also silences them and prevents them from being resurrected. Against Priest or Warlock where there is a high possibility of minions being resurrected, you will want to look for this in the mulligan and save it for something you don't want coming back later.
  • Firemancer Flurgl + Toxfin, the most powerful board clear Shaman has access to. Save this combo for when you really need it, and copy it if you can. Note that Ice Fishing is meant to tutor the combo, but won't always do so, and if you want to maximize your chances of drawing this combo you should wait to draw more murlocs before casting Ice Fishing.
  • Sandstorm Elemental, a decent early/mid game card to help control the board against faster decks. And if you can stack up multiple copies Shudderwock will shred your opponent's minions to pieces.
  • The Lurker Below, this isn't a terribly valuable card, it is fully replaceable. But I find it to be helpful in the mid game and a very strong addition to Shudderwock.

Less direct forms of removal are Dirty Rat and Mutanus the Devourer. With Dirty Rat it is very important to be cautious. It is very easy for a game to get out of hand if you pull something too big too early. Mutanus the Devourer is really only useful against control and combo decks. If you can trigger the battlecry three or more times, you should be able to win either by eating your opponent's win condition or just by making them rage quit.

Win Conditions

Mankrik Card Image Kazakus, Golem Shaper Card Image Shudderwock Card Image

Against slower decks there are two outs; use Bolner Hammerbeak, Spirit Echo, Shudderwock, and other tools to generate what some may call an unhealthy amount of enraged Mankriks and magic Golems to punch our opponents with continuously until they die. Or, eat their win condition with Mutanus the Devourer. Whenever possible, opt for the second option. Copy Mutanus as often as you can, eventually your opponent will give up.

Against fast strategies, we try to establish a strong board presence with Lackeys, Golems, and Mankriks, while also actively destroying their board with Devolve and Firemancer Flurgl. Stay alive as best you can, avoiding any burst with multiple Lifedrinkers until they eventually run out of cards. If you can copy the Firemancer Flurgl with Spirit Echo once or twice, do so. Multiple uses of that combo can easily cause any aggro deck to fall to their knees.

Final Notes

If you have any feedback for improving the deck list or guide, please let me know. I plan on crafting this deck day one as it is relatively cheap, and it follows a similar game plan as another Shudderwock deck I have already. Good luck in the giveaway, and may all your legendaries be golden!


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Card Changelog (Click to View)
Update #2

Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)

Update #1

Card changes 3 years, 4 months ago (United in Stormwind)

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