Clogged and Loaded

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
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Deck Description:

Clogged and Loaded is more of a fun spinoff based on Secret Hunter. It combines Lock and Load with a plethora of secrets to fill up your hand in combination with Cloaked Huntress. All of this is possible mainly thanks to the Stitched Tracker + Subject 9 package which allows you to quite consistently cycle through your deck. You also have two Tracking that help you fish for anything you might need in the current matchup or situation. For your top-end part you have two Emerald Spellstones, Yogg-Saron, Hope's End, Deathstalker Rexxar and Zul'jin. What I like to do in very long grindy matchups is playing Zul'jin before Deathstalker Rexxar, of course that is if your opponent doesn't pressure you with humongous boards that you need to somehow clear using Deathstalker Rexxar. Yogg is mostly used as a backup plan if you're unable to close out the game before that or you have no other choice than playing Yogg and praying for the best.

Alternative Tech Choices

When facing a lot of Aggressive strategies you could easily sub out the Eaglehorn Bows for Candleshots, though I don't necersarily recommend it unless you are really desperate. Another potential tech against aggression can be playing is subbing out Emerald Spellstones for [Hearthstone Card (Unleash the Hounds[/card. Yes, it makes Zul'jin significantly weaker in the long run, but it can still set up some form of retaliation by either helping you gain the board or push for some further chips of damage.

When facing Control strategies you can undoubtedly run Arcane Giants instead of either the Spellstones, though this way Zul'jin becomes quite irrelevant, or you can pull out one Explosive Trap and one Wandering Monster. Though by pulling out secrets you have to prepare your Lock and Load turn a bit ahead of the game, so you can pull out some sort of value out of it.

Secret Choices

As of now Wild is pretty agressive so two Explosive Traps are quite the necessity for the most part, but if you don't feel like you're getting enough value out of it you can easily squeeze in a different Secret.

So to sum it up Explosive Trap and Snipe are mostly the secrets you will want to be changing, though if you're missing Snake Trap feel free to change it to a Venomstrike Trap.

You can definitelly catch people of guard with a single copy of Rat Trap. Though I'm not too much of a fan of that as it clutters your Zul'jin secret package, hasn't been too great for me, but that doesn't mean it can't work out for you!


I hope you liked my short deck guide and if you feel like I have missed something then ask away. Don't forget to show your support and upvote the deck if you liked it as I would dearly appreciate it. Cheers and have a good one!

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