(Wild) Budget Odd Paladin
- Odd Paladin
- Wild
- Ranked
For all of you who just came to wild, I have a budget version of very successful tier 1 deck, Odd Paladin.
One of reasons why Odd paladin is very strong deck and maybe even the best wild deck is it's very strong upgraded hero power.
You can spawn 2 Silver hand recruits for 2 mana, and you have many ways to buff Silver hand recruits in your deck, such as Warhorse Trainer , Quartermaster and Fungalmancer.
So the plan is simple create wide boards, buff them and kill the opponent.
For mulligan you want your one drops like:
It's is also fine to keep Divine Favor especially when you play vs control decks that will for sure have big hand, so you can reload and strike again.
Although this is budget deck you can't make it good without Quartermaster which is epic and Baku the Mooneater which is legendary.
You can upgrade this list with Corridor Creeper , Loatheb , Patches the Pirate and Southsea Deckhand, and Leeroy Jenkins.
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0- 00
- 101
- 02
- 113
- 24
- 45
- 26
- 17+
- 1 Blessing of Might x 2
- 1 Lost in the Jungle x 2
- 1 Righteous Protector x 2
- 3 Divine Favor x 2
- 3 Muster for Battle x 2
- 3 Rallying Blade x 2
- 3 Steward of Darkshire x 2
- 3 Warhorse Trainer x 2
- 4 Stand Against Darkness x 2
- 5 Quartermaster x 2
- 6 Vinecleaver x 2
- 1 Argent Squire x 2
- 1 Fire Fly x 2
- 3 Raid Leader x 1
- 5 Fungalmancer x 2
- 9 Baku the Mooneater x 1
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