Varian & Jace: A Love Story

Last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by
  • Casual

Varian, King of Stormwind Card ImageJace Darkweaver Card Image

As the deck title suggests, this deck has two main packages. There is the Jace Darkweaver package and the Varian, King of Stormwind package.

Let's start with the Jace! He's all about spells, Fel spells to be exact. With Felscream Blast, Immolation Aura, Sigil of Flame, and Chaos Nova you have AoE-tools in variable sizes to help you control the board. Load up a few of these and Jace is your own DIY Twisting Nether along with an aftermath a turn later if you have played the sigil. Chaos Strike and Chaos Leech are there for single target removal and Fel Barrage does a little bit of both. Metamorphosis is single target removal as well but its main use is to close out games. Always try to play Jace after you have played and fully used up the Metamorphosis's hero power.

In the form of Metamorfin and Felgorger the package also has a couple of minions that support the Fel spell strategy and if the minions that you want to hit with your spells are a bunch of sturdy bastards, Mo'arg Artificer is there to help you.

Then there is Varian. Contrary to Jace, he's all about minion synergies. Metamorfin, Insatiable Felhound, Ashtongue Battlelord, Renowned Performer, Taelan Fordring, Zilliax, and Coilfang Warlord are all there to support Varian's battlecry.

But that's not all, Corpsetaker and Countess Ashmore both like these minions too so I had to include them. Flavor is important too, you know?

To top it all off, this deck is build in a Highlander shell. It's the top-secret Tumbleweedovski special Cupido sauce that brings Varian and Jace together. This means that Zephrys and Reno are auto-includes along with some generally strong cards that support a longer game plan like Zai, the Incredible or Cycle of Hatred.

Note that Dragonqueen Alexstrasza is not in this list. She might be needed as an extra value bomb, but let's decide that after playtesting.

What you can expect in a game is to hold your opponent off in the first couple of turns. Your low mana cost Fel spells should be able to help you with that. In the midgame, it's time to slowly take over the board. Preferably with Corpsetaker, but if she isn't available Zilliax, Taelan Fordring, or Insatiable Felhound should also work just fine. Then, once you have drawn and played either Varian, Countess Ashmore or Skull of Gul'dan you should have value for days in your hand and be able to close out the game from there on out.

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  • Fallugaloog's Avatar
    265 65 Posts Joined 02/02/2021
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Cool deck idea, but you may want to change the guide seeing as Jace is male. 

    • Tumbleweedovski's Avatar
      Protector of Elwynn 1470 598 Posts Joined 06/12/2019
      Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

      Yeah, I came to the same conclusion earlier but didn't notice that I had referred to him as she, so thanks!. Jace sounds more female to me and I hardly don't know any lore. The title can still be the same. Gay couples should be allowed these days.

      • Fallugaloog's Avatar
        265 65 Posts Joined 02/02/2021
        Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

        Totally! More power to them both, and may they have many happy years together. 


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