Odd Heal Paladin

Last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by
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This is a version of the Odd Paladin archetype. This one in particular takes advantage of some of Paladin's access to healing, self-damaging cards with an upside, and ability to flood the board with 1/1's with the upgraded hero power due to Baku. Combo those factors with the neutral heal package as seen with Heal Zoo Warlock and you have a formidable deck with the ability to cheat out stats for cheap thanks to the multiple synergies the deck possesses.

Initially, you'll look for self-damage cards that achieve the damaged state either in the minion form or through damage dealt to your hero, in addition to cards that can heal to alleviate that condition, and cards that benefit from the healing, such as Lightwarden and Happy Ghoul. Corridor Creeper is a good keep early on as it will drastically decrease in mana cost while being held in your hand for the earlier stages of combat. Call to Arms helped filter the one mana minions out of your deck and onto the field and Divine Favor can be used to even out hand size with more control-oriented opponents who acquire larger hand sizes and will card starve you otherwise.

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