Blood and Sacrifice

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
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NOTE: This deck was originally posted under "DarkNemesis1313" as 'Iron and Blood'. I am the same creator, and the deck is the same. New username only.


This deck has had a number of changes as I have gone through it. As such I can note that certain cards can be replaced without losing the core parts of the deck. The cards that you CANNOT replace are Overlord's Whip, Zilliax/card], Dr. Boom Mad Genius, and Brawl


Explaining the deck. 


Although a control deck, with good draw it is possible to have the early board and win quickly. Turn 1: Eternium Rover, Turn 2: Slam if possible Turn 3: Overlord's Whip. The reason that Overlord's whip is in the deck, and so important, is because it triggers important synergies. Acolyte of Pain, Hell Scream, Eternium RoverVoodoo Doll, and Security Rover. So, having the weapon equipped early on allows for a more consistent draw, removal of large minions (if you have voodoo doll) and general clearing of small minions. 


The deck win rate has been decent with 40 - 29, which gives an almost than 60% win rate. The biggest problem I have encountered has been against incredible draw for tier 1 decks, and specifically against the bomb warrior. I would say the win rate against that deck is lower than 30%. The reason being is that some of the board clears such as Dyno-matic does not do any damage to enemy minions, and the deck typically runs weapon removal too. The deck does exceptionally well against tempo and pogo Rogues. Tempo Rogue loses quickly to the removal pieces of the deck, while the late game swings strongly into your favor with Dr. Boom.

(More in-depth guide soon, if you are worried about the quality always try on casual first to get a feel for the deck)

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