The Bilgewater Banana Co.
- Unknown Rogue
- Wild
- Fun
(Originally posted on HearthPwn. Part of a series of theme decks.)
The Banana Saga, Part 1: Now Hiring
Greetings customers, the Bilgewater Banana Company is the hottest new banana supplier in all of Azshara (and is absolutely definitely not a cover for an intricate money laundering scheme!). Endorsed by the universally loved Trade Prince Gallywix, the company already has profits far exceeding any of the competition, as is evidenced by the never-ending hand-fulls of cash.
Today, lucky customer, we are looking for new management (we here at the Bilgewater Banana Company accept no responsibility for the last manager's tragic 'accident'), and it could be YOU! In case you aren't already convinced, you should meet the team coming from as far afield as Booty Bay and Gadgetzan.
Central to our organisation are of course the Bananas themselves, grown on only the finest Vilespine Slayers and harvested by a dedicated team of hozen: the Banana Buffoons. The banana department is led by the much esteemed King Mukla, although it is worth keeping a few eyes on him to make sure he doesn't give too many to charity.
Not that charity is bad. Not at all. We even have our own charity department led by Lorewalker Cho, and the Trade Prince himself can be very charitable. We even keep a couple of Questing Adventurers out of unemployment.
Finally, it is unfortunately necessary to dispel a few rumours about our bananas being hallucinogenic and about us acquiring our money through less than innocent means. There is of course not a shred of evidence for either claim, but to reassure you we have hired no less than the princess of Gilneas Tess Greymane, who is guaranteed to identify any stolen goods. Not that there are any stolen goods of course!
Wait, what's that? It sounds like Sergeant Sally's doing the rounds again, so we've got to Vanish.
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8- 20
- 21
- 62
- 63
- 64
- 25
- 36
- 37+
- 0 Preparation x 2
- 1 Hallucination x 2
- 2 Cutpurse x 2
- 2 Eviscerate x 2
- 3 Edwin VanCleef x 1
- 4 Academic Espionage x 2
- 4 Lilian Voss x 1
- 4 Tomb Pillager x 2
- 4 WANTED! x 1
- 5 Vilespine Slayer x 2
- 6 Trade Prince Gallywix x 1
- 6 Vanish x 1
- 7 Tess Greymane x 1
- 2 Booty Bay Bookie x 1
- 2 Lorewalker Cho x 1
- 3 Banana Buffoon x 2
- 3 King Mukla x 1
- 3 Questing Adventurer x 2
- 6 Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale x 1
- 7 Gadgetzan Auctioneer x 2
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I think I had an Hallucination
Hey, it clearly says on the receipt not to eat the bananas until you've left the store. What are you tryin' to do, damage our immaculate reputation or somethin'?
I dunno but i read somewhere that someone might be WANTED!