Avalon's 12 Wins Divine Shield Paladin

Last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by
  • Casual
Deck Source
This deck was sourced from Avalon.

Hearthstone Duels Choices

Turalyon, the Tenured Card Image
From Golden Light Card Image
Hero Power
Royal Greatsword Card Image

It's been a while since the last time I touched Paladin in Duels, so I decided to give the Divine Shield archetype a try, especially since I wanted to try out the new version Grommash's Armguards. I wasn't able to pick the Passive Treasure I was looking for, but I cannot really complain about the final result.

Righteous Reserves mixed with Avenging Armaments and loads of cheap Divine Shield units and From Golden Light created such a strong synergy that most of my opponents weren't able to withstand at all. In fact, out of the 12 games I won a good chunk of them ended before turn 4 due to the other players conceding.

To be completely fair, Call to Arms should've definitely been in the starting deck, but I do not own it and I started the run just for fun, so I didn't bother crafting.

I also picked Bag of Coins, which allowed me to cheese out nutty plays that I wouldn't have been able to do otherwise, like a turn 1 Royal Greatsword going second or a turn 3 Highlord Fordragon to start buffing up my hand.

I decided to include Mr. Smite because of the synergy with Royal Greatsword and the fact that From Golden Light can revive it as basically a 2 mana Leeroy Jenkins: it actually did some work for me, and I will probably pick it in my next run as well.

Passive Treasures Chosen

First pool - Righteous Reserves

Second pool - Avenging Armaments

From Golden Light Card Image Royal Greatsword Card Image

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