Highlander Mill Mage (Saviors of Uldum edition)

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
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Edit: 2nd December 2019. After halting play for November 2019 on the original combo-only version of this deck and instead trying a Highlander build which has been (anecdotally) much more successful on the Wild ladder, I have moved the original combo-only version across to a new deck now called Freeze Mill Mage. I will keep both updated each expansion, but FYI this version of the deck is much less susceptible to aggressive decks than the combo-only version.

Edit: 21st October 2019. I cut Zola the Gorgon and Novice Engineer for Cone of Cold and Skulking Geist.

Edit: 14th September 2019. We (almost) reached 25 upvotes but I had some spare (haha) time so I added basic play tips as promised! Next stop, 50 upvotes for more advanced play tips.

Edit: 1st September 2019. Luna's Pocket Galaxy is out. 7 Mana do nothing isn't great for this deck. I'm running a second Blizzard at the moment until I revisit the deck build.

Edit: 25th July 2019. Thanks to everyone for the awesome support on this deck.


Rewards for supporting this deck

Support reward tiers are now as follows:

  • 25 upvotes: Basic play tips.
  • 50 upvotes: More advanced play tips.
  • 75 upvotes: I craft the entire deck golden.
  • 100 upvotes: Basic video play guide.
  • 500 upvotes: A comprehensive video guide, with wins on the NA Wild ladder (minimum rank 10) versus all 9 classes.

Let's give Mill Mage the love it deserves <3



What is Highlander Mill Mage?

This deck is super fun and finally helped me realise my dream of the best archetype in Hearthstone - Mill Mage. That's right, Mill Mage.

We play a Highlander deck that contains Reno Jackson, Reno the Relicologist, Kazakus, and new MVP Zephrys the Great - who also happens to be an Elemental which is what the rest of the deck is built around!

Here we go!

Complete Open the Waygate using:

Neutralise your opponent's threats with:

While staying alive with:

Finally, when you have Open the Waygate ready to go you can play the combo:

Turn 1: Play Archmage Vargoth followed by Time Warp. Do not play any other spells. End your turn.

Turn 2: Play Molten Reflection on Archmage Vargoth and use your hero power on your opponent's face. Archmage Vargoth must be the only minion on your side of the board when you end your turn. Do not play any other spells. End your turn.

Turn 3: Play Violet Illusionist and Drakkari Enchanter. Use your hero power on your opponent's face. Play Research Project. Do not play any other spells. End your turn.

You win! Enjoy! :)



Basic play tips v2.0 (last updated 2nd December 2019)

  • If you suspect your opponent is aggro at the start of the game you can choose not to keep Open the Waygate in your opening hand. Being a Highlander deck we can just out-value aggro if we live long enough.
  • Always keep Ancient Mysteries. Ice Block is the only secret in the deck, and we want to draw it ASAP.
  • Don't (ever) keep Archmage Vargoth, Molten Reflection, Violet Illusionist, or Drakkari Enchanter in your opening hand.
  • Polymorph is for Ragnaros the Firelord or Mal'Ganis. Don't let your opponent bait you into playing it on some other minion.
  • If your opponent is clearly being greedy with drawing cards, try to keep your hand as empty as possible. Once they have 8 cards in hand it's time to play Coldlight Oracles. This deck isn't called Mill Mage for nothing. We can Mill them during the game as well as at the end!
  • If your opponent is at 30 health, you can play the combo and win when they have 8 cards left in their deck.
  • If your opponent has no Taunts in the way, you may be able to play the combo when they have as many as 10 cards (or more) in their deck. You will be able to hit them in the face for at least 8 Damage with your 4 x Archmage Vargoths thanks to Molten Reflection.


Advanced play tips

  • Unlocked at 50 upvotes


Basic video play guide

  • Unlocked at 100 upvotes

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  • MemeMachine's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 455 138 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Bersak

    Amazing deck! I feel bad for my oponents, those final animations must be painfull..

    I don‘t own the pocket galaxy and replaced it with more draw at first but that‘s definitly not needed. A doomsayer fits perfectly though! Helps in allmost every game and i‘m even thinking about a second one. It would replace Magic trick, since it’s probably one of the weaker cards. he quest completion is never a limitating factor.

    Doomsayer is definitely a good card, the problem is it can get silenced or killed just when you really need it to go off. Still not bad as a one of though! Thanks for the feedback, glad you are enjoying the deck :)

  • stross's Avatar
    40 1 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    Fun to play, thanks!
    When played it first time, the opponent pulled out my illusionist with a rat :(

    • MemeMachine's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 455 138 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
      Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
      Quote From stross

      Fun to play, thanks!
      When played it first time, the opponent pulled out my illusionist with a rat :(

      Ooof, that sucks. It happens rarely though

      • Catterwall's Avatar
        135 12 Posts Joined 03/15/2019
        Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

        Would cutting Luna's Pocket Galaxy for another copy of Violet Illusionist make sense to avoid things such as this? Not seeing any minions that are big enough in this deck to really warrant running that spell.

        • MemeMachine's Avatar
          HearthStationeer 455 138 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
          Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
          Quote From Catterwall

          Would cutting Luna's Pocket Galaxy for another copy of Violet Illusionist make sense to avoid things such as this? Not seeing any minions that are big enough in this deck to really warrant running that spell.

          i mean, you can if you want. Pocket Galaxy doesn't seem that great but if you manage to play it early it can really be helpful. Even saving a couple of mana a turn means you can squeeze in a Frost Nova alongside Coldlight Oracle. I fully expect to update this deck when the new expansion is released. Even one new card would be great.

          • MemeMachine's Avatar
            HearthStationeer 455 138 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
            Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
            Quote From MemeMachine
            Quote From Catterwall

            Would cutting Luna's Pocket Galaxy for another copy of Violet Illusionist make sense to avoid things such as this? Not seeing any minions that are big enough in this deck to really warrant running that spell.

            i mean, you can if you want. Pocket Galaxy doesn't seem that great but if you manage to play it early it can really be helpful. Even saving a couple of mana a turn means you can squeeze in a Frost Nova alongside Coldlight Oracle. I fully expect to update this deck when the new expansion is released. Even one new card would be great.

            Actually, I just played a game that I would've lost if I didn't play Luna's. Molten Reflection was at the bottom along with my Oracles. I played 2 x Oracle at 1 Mana each with a 1 Mana Vargoth on the board and won the game. Luna's stays for me for now ;)

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    Turn 1: Play Archmage Vargoth followed by Time Warp. You opponent concedes and you win!

    • MemeMachine's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 455 138 Posts Joined 03/24/2019
      Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
      Quote From Xarkkal

      Turn 1: Play Archmage Vargoth followed by Time Warp. You opponent concedes and you win!

      You would be surprised. Most of the time my opponent waits to see what I'm actually going to do


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