Surrender to Memeness
- Unknown Priest
- Wild
- Fun
Edit: Thanks Frostyfeet for the wild spotlight!
So this is a meme deck I homebrewed. The idea here is to use Surrender to Madness and Prince Keleseth to buff your entire deck. You also have cards like Spirit of the Dead to put more cards into your deck to buff, and Northshire Cleric/Acolyte of Pain/Ticket Scalper/Bwonsamdi, the Dead to refill our hand. This is a meme deck, but I'm still experimenting, and still would like to hear any suggestions to make it better. :)
The number one tip with this deck for maximum success to NOT play Surrender to Madness as soon as possible. The earliest I'd play it is turn 6, but most the time I wait until turn 7 or 8, sometimes even 9 or 10. Prince Keleseth, on the other hand, you want to play as soon as possible, and the dream is to get more copies with Spirit of the Dead. Survive to late game, get huge buffs, fill your hand with Bwonsamdi, the Dead, and maybe win. In mulligan, keep cheap minions, especially Prince Keleseth. This deck's true potential is normally not reached until late game, so your goal is to survive until you can swarm the board.
General Mulligan: Any 1 drop, Prince Keleseth, Northshire Cleric, Tar Creeper, Acolyte of Pain and Madame Lazul
Card Choices:
-Madame Lazul: Cheap tech card, also I just really like playing her.
-Leeroy Jenkins: Powerful finisher, even more so when buffed by Surrender to Madness and Prince Keleseth
-Zilliax: Auto include card. Also, when buffed, can provide huge support.
-Mojomaster Zihi: When you play Surrender to Madness, your opponent will be ahead in mana. This card brings their mana back down to your level
-Shadowreaper Anduin: Clears opponents board, and with all the cheap cards can do huge amounts of burst damage.
-Glacial Shard: Control
-Saronite Taskmaster: Really powerful one drop, also pollutes the rez pool
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4- 00
- 141
- 12
- 93
- 14
- 25
- 16
- 27+
- 1 Crystalline Oracle x 2
- 1 Northshire Cleric x 2
- 1 Spirit of the Dead x 2
- 3 Acolyte of Agony x 2
- 3 Madame Lazul x 1
- 3 Surrender to Madness x 2
- 7 Bwonsamdi, the Dead x 1
- 8 Shadowreaper Anduin x 1
- 1 Glacial Shard x 2
- 1 Lightwarden x 2
- 1 Saronite Taskmaster x 2
- 1 Stonetusk Boar x 2
- 2 Prince Keleseth x 1
- 3 Acolyte of Pain x 2
- 3 Tar Creeper x 2
- 4 Ticket Scalper x 1
- 5 Leeroy Jenkins x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 6 Mojomaster Zihi x 1
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Tnx for writing a guide for it will try it