Infinite Copy OTK Druid

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

This is a 10 mana OTK combo with a lot of actions per minute (APM), similiar to the APM Priest with the OTK Stonetusk Boar.

For the combo you need 5 specific cards in your hand. The core cards of this combo are Elise the Enlightened, Flobbidinous Floop, Floop's Glorious Gloop and BEEEES!!!. For the 5th card you got many different options, like Claw, Pounce or Moonfire.

The fact that BEEEES!!! can be used to gain more mana then you spent for it with Floop's Glorious Gloop makes this combo possible. I already tested if the effect of Floop's Glorious Gloop stacks when it's played multiple times - and yes it does! With Flobbidinous Floop you can keep copying Elise the Enlightened to keep copying your hand, giving you unlimited amount of resources. And hopefully killing your opponent within the turn, before the time runs out.


Combo Cards:

  1. Elise the Enlightened
  2. Floop's Glorious Gloop
  3. BEEEES!!!
  4. Flobbidinous Floop
  5. Claw or Pounce or Moonfire


Don't have any other cards in your hand (unless they can be played for free before you drop Elise). Always use BEEEES!!! on Elise/Floop, unless it's especially written down otherwise.


Actions in the combo turn (remaining mana):

Start of the turn (10/10)
Elise the Enlightened (5/10)
2x Floop's Glorious Gloop (3/10)
BEEEES!!! (8/10)
Flobbidinous Floop (4/10)
BEEEES!!! (10/10)
1x Claw, Pounce or Moonfire (9-10/10)

then repeat this:
Flobbidinous Floop (3-6/10)
BEEEES!!! (10/10)
3x Claw, Pounce or Moonfire (7-10/10)

You can also use BEEEES!!! on an enemy minion with exactly 4 health (only twice! due to board space).


Actions to kill taunts (requires Claw or Pounce):

6th Combo Card: Savagery

Start of the turn (10/10)
Elise the Enlightened (5/10)
2x Floop's Glorious Gloop (3/10)
BEEEES!!! (8/10)
1x Savagery (7/10)

then repeat this:
Flobbidinous Floop (3/10)
BEEEES!!! (10/10)
2x Claw (8/10)
1x Savagery (7/10)


Actions for Swipe as 5th card (needs one enemy minion with 1 to 8 health on board):

6th Combo Card: Innervate or Biology Project

Start of the turn (10/10)
Elise the Enlightened (5/10)
2x Floop's Glorious Gloop (3/10)
BEEEES!!! (8-10/10) --> choose the enemy minion, if it has 4 to 8 health, otherwise choose your Elise.
1x Swipe (6/10) --> kill the enemy minion, if it isn't already dead.

then repeat this:
Flobbidinous Floop (2/10)
2x Innervate or Biology Project (4/10)
BEEEES!!! (10/10) --> on your Floop
1x Swipe (6/10)


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  • d3spam's Avatar
    125 10 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

    Also How could Savagery ever work? It does nothing alongside Moonfire. It can't be cast with Claw due to mana limitations, and once you've killed what you wanted to kill, it will fill up your hand, preventing you to deliver the full otk. If you end up using Bees! on the 5/1 Elise, and Savagery the spawned tokens your not progressing you damage output and probably run out of time

    • OutofSkill's Avatar
      130 7 Posts Joined 07/15/2019
      Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

      I added it now ^^

  • d3spam's Avatar
    125 10 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

    Been thinking about this combo a lot. I really want it to work, but I have a couple of concerns..

    Here's my thoughts: back when star aligner druid was the deck to beat, it already run Floop as a combo piece.
    With that deck, If you ever failed, it was because of how slow the animation on Floop is (and that deck only needed to cast him once).
    Usually you can cast your next cards while Animations of other cards are still playing, but for Floop to be played, his animation for transforming into another cards needs to finish first!
    Also it could be possible that you need the animation of Bees! to finish in order to use the mana you get from it, another potential blocking part.

    Some more questions in regard to time:
    Did you count how many actions you need to do deal 30 dmg without taunts? How much more do you need if your opponent has 30 armor?
    How many more if you use Moonfire instead of Pounce? And in particular: how often do you need to cast floop? I'd assume about 7+ times, right?

    You can cast Bees! on opposing taunts, but if you use it on e.g., a 1 hp minion, you'll make three tokens that sit on the field. as a result, when you play floop (4 minions) and then cast bees! it will only summon 3 tokens due to board space issues, effectively breaking your combo.

    One minion that falls into this category is Voidlord. not just does the first body have 9 health, but also each token has 3, which means you have pretty much no way of beating a single voidlord during your combo, making it much worse than apm-priest in that case.

    Further note that each time you don't point Bees! on your own Floop, you'll have another minion on the board, so even it the Voidlord was punched down to 8 hp and each token would be a 1/4, you'd make 5 Floop's during killing it.


    Last thing: the way you build this deck you basically want to play each non-combo card and then hope to topdeck a combo-piece and go off.
    This will often put you in a spot where you played all non-combo cards, but then just draw another non-combo card that cost's 3 mana at best, giving you lot's of awkward turns.

    I'd rather try to make it such that once you have your full combo + an Innervate/Biology Project, you can then start to dump your hand, and next turn - even if you draw a non-combo card, play that first and then go.
    For that to work you want your topdecks to cost 3 or less mana, and don't draw additional cards. Therefor Loothoarder is better than Novice Engineer in this deck. (I know it's not in your list, but others have suggested it)
    Also Guardinas are bad, because you can't combo if you topdeck them (same reason as with voidlord: Elise will stay as a 5/1, two guardian tokens which you can't kill plus floop means that bees only gives you 6 mana instead of 8)


    given all the constraints mentioned above, I just don't see this being better than togwaggle druid which tries to do most of the above stuff, but without all the conditions.

    • OutofSkill's Avatar
      130 7 Posts Joined 07/15/2019
      Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

      Hi, I also already had major concerns about the time limit. But a little bit less now...

      I still had a flaw in the previous repeatable turns. You really want to play the combo card only once for the first time, so you can play the 3x with every following cycle.

      I wasn't quite sure until I noted all the cards in hand, but it definitely works and I already changed it :)

      Keeping the Innervates and Biology Projects to play around a high-cost topdeck in the combo turn, sounds good. But there may be possibilty to play a 1, 2 or 3 mana topdeck within the combo. I think I will look into this one next, since it sounds important to have that wiggle room.

      Also the the fact, that you can remove opposing taunt minions with exactly 4 health with BEEEES!!! is pretty good. This makes it so you can even cast your combo card 3 times. But you could also just play the card one time and kill a 3 health minion. But of course 0 attack taunts are a problem for both of this.

      Anyway, thanks for your comment and the concerns. I also wanna see this deck becoming viable and hopefully better than Tog or Mecha'thun Druid.


      Have a good one mate!

      • d3spam's Avatar
        125 10 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
        Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

        this is a great example of how freaking slow this combo is. No way you'll ever get there in one turn with pounce or moonfire

  • WhatAChamp's Avatar
    Honorary Explorer 285 56 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

    I'm going to definitely try this out against my buddy day 1 of the xpac. I have pretty much every card and have had little use for them so I'm glad to see something so hilarious.

    • OutofSkill's Avatar
      130 7 Posts Joined 07/15/2019
      Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

      nice, have a good first day my dude! :)

  • DarthNihilus's Avatar
    190 52 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

    nice deck man, i think it is better to have cheap cards because you really need your hand size to be at 6,  cut auctioneer , swipe , acolyte of pain , dreamway guardians, and add more cheap spells, a 2nd pyromancer, 2x doomsayer, novice engineer and 1 overflow maybe, the combo works without moonfires (which is slow anyways) because with infinite pounce + savagery you can remove every taunt

    • OutofSkill's Avatar
      130 7 Posts Joined 07/15/2019
      Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

      thanks man!

      these changes sound pretty good, although I guess you can also use Swipe for the otk. so maybe it better to keep that. and doomsayer or pyro (without acolyte) don't draw any cards tho... with more single copies of cards you can get the combo more often, cause of the Elise condition.

      Although you are totally right, with those taunts. when u have claw or pounce, they can be killed with savagery as a 6th card (for that it was already in the deck). I think I will add a new list of actions for this one, aswell as for the combo with swipe as the 5th card.

      • DarthNihilus's Avatar
        190 52 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
        Posted 5 years, 7 months ago

        we should only worry about aggro decks, thats why i was thinking about 2nd pyro or doomsayer , maybe we can add the quest with nourish, hidden oasis, questing explorer for more consistency, im already hyped for this deck anyway ;)


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