[Wild] Jurassic Park ft Deathwing
- Unknown Druid
- Wild
- Fun
The two of my favorites things: Dinossaurs and Dragons
Not the strongest deck of course, have a lot of cards to this combo, but is fun
The combo is simple: Aviana -> Innervate -> Kun the Forgotten King-> Charged Devilsaur -> Carnivorous Cube on Charged Devilsaur -> 2x Faceless Manipulator on Carnivorous Cube -> Deathwing = 42 Dmg
Alexstrasza is good in matchups where your opponents have much armor
Jepetto Joybuzz can help to draw your combo pieces
You can replace:
-2 Innervate to +1 Flobbidinous Floop and +1 Malfurion the Pestilent, just play [Hearthstone Card (Avianna) Not Found] 1 turn before your combo.
If you liked, help-me making this deck most stronge possible, any help is welcome =)
Some replays:
Vs Shudd Shaman: https://hsreplay.net/replay/fKMANdzecpngSyCy943vmT
Vs Murloc Shaman: https://hsreplay.net/replay/NSR3ksGM8GNsMntKNFvoKG
Vs Ressurect Quest Priest: https://hsreplay.net/replay/p6TBFq25vDy7gLR9iABN2o
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7- 20
- 21
- 12
- 43
- 84
- 55
- 26
- 67+
- 0 Innervate x 2
- 1 Lesser Jasper Spellstone x 2
- 2 Wrath x 1
- 3 Ferocious Howl x 2
- 3 Swipe x 2
- 4 Branching Paths x 2
- 4 Juicy Psychmelon x 1
- 4 Oaken Summons x 2
- 5 Starfall x 1
- 6 Spreading Plague x 2
- 9 Aviana x 1
- 10 Kun the Forgotten King x 1
- 4 Archmage Vargoth x 1
- 4 Hecklebot x 2
- 5 Carnivorous Cube x 2
- 5 Faceless Manipulator x 2
- 7 Charged Devilsaur x 2
- 9 Alexstrasza x 1
- 10 Deathwing x 1
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I made almost the exact same deck about a year ago. instead of devilsuars I used ragnaros, but other than that it was the exact same combo!
Hmm.. interesting.. I use this deck to many OTK combos like Star Align.. I'll try with Ragnaros too.. hehehe
I used to play a lot more combo druid, but then when aviana was nerfed I dusted her. then later I needed more dust and decided that without aviana kun would not be useful either, so I DE him too. Its fun to see that someone is still enjoying combo druid.