OTK Reno Rogue

Last updated 2 years, 11 months ago by
  • Casual

60% WR to Diamond 5 over around 70 games with different versions, havn't tested pushing to legend yet but has potential to be really strong and have no doubts it can reach legend depending on your pocket meta. Pirate warrior hardest matchup but not unwinnable. Quest hunter surpisingly easy just manage your stall with Evasion, Cloak of Shadows, and bouncing Reno Jackson. Just remember they run flare and can remove Evasion. Any slow deck like Quest Priest, Even Warlock, Freeze Shaman or Big Priest is a free win.


The combo is play Snowfall Graveyard followed by Spiritsinger Umbra, Kobold Sandtrooper and Carnivorous Cube. You can use Anka, the Buried or Shadowcrafter Scabbs to reduce your combo or just save a Counterfeit Coin. The combo deals 36 damage but if for some reason you need more you can increase the damage by using Shadowstep on the Carnivorous Cube then either using Backstab or Shiv to kill it.


The general gameplay strategy is just draw as fast as you can, maxmising mana effiency on your draw and timing your stall. I've tried different card choices and this list is the most consistent none of them feel worth changing however i am open to suggestions. The only cards i would consider swapping is Dark Iron Skulker or Foxy Fraud but i can't justify replacing them yet.

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