Nemsy’s Fine Dining
- Egg Warlock
- Wild
- Casual
Wild Hearthstone has thousands of cards, and a wide variety of possible decks. This incredible deck diversity is sometimes lost when only looking at the few decks common in the highest ranks. Wednesday, the Wildest of Days is a series aiming to highlight a different off meta deck each week with an in depth guide into its strategy and gameplay. The decks are selected for having interesting synergies and using rarely seen cards.
Chef Nemsy is opening a new fine dining establishment, and she is serving eggs. Her main customers are going to be big demons like Doomguard and Enhanced Dreadlord. Since they're extra hungry, you are going to have to cheat them into play as early as turn 3. With the new expansion, Egg Warlock got an enormous boost due to several new cards, and has been revamped to include an extremely powerful demon package based around cheating big demons into play as early as turn 3 or 4.
The main card that enables this is Sacrificial Summoner, which allows you to get Doomguard into play when used on a 4 mana minion and allows you to get Enhanced Dreadlord when used on a reduced cost Corridor Creeper, which happens quite quickly in Egg Warlock. If you do draw those demons, you have Voidcallers. Due to having these two sources of mana cheat, you can get these big demons into play early quite consistently. You can even cheat out 2 demons at once if you use a Summoner on the 4-cost Voidcaller, getting a demon from hand and a Doomguard from the deck.
In addition to Sacrificial Summoner, which is great with eggs as well as for cheating out big demons, Egg Warlock has received Desecrated Graveyard which allows you to get tempo from your eggs while putting an extra 12/12 of stats into play, and Tamsin's Phylactery which can allow your entire board to have the Deathrattle to summon a Korrak the Bloodrager or 5/5 with Lifesteal. In addition, Korrak the Bloodrager is a great egg-like card that works well with sacrifice effects.
Overall, Egg Warlock has been completely revamped and is way more powerful due to the Alterac expansion. It's also more fun to play and more multidimensional than ever before. If you want to help Chef Nemsy serve her eggs throughout Wild while playing with the new Warlock cards or enjoy aggro decks that have both consistency and highroll potential, give this deck a try!
For extra flavor, you can play this deck with the Nemsy hero portrait which shows her eating and the Ramen cardback with eggs.
Now, let's get into a guide on playing the deck. It's going to go through major overarching strategies to keep in mind, how to mulligan, gameplay tips on key synergies, and card choices.
Start with playing eggs early on, then destroy them with your sacrifice cards to get extra bonuses and the stats from the eggs themselves. You can also get big demons out to complement the egg strategy.
Eggs - Play your eggs, if possible an egg on turn 2. Then from turn 3 start sacrificing the eggs with cards like EVIL Genius, Desecrated Graveyard, Sacrificial Summoner, and Teron Gorefiend. You will get tempo from the eggs themselves and extra bonuses from the sacrifice cards. Later in the game higher cost options like Korrak the Bloodrager, Disciplinarian Gandling, and Tamsin's Phylactery become available and can let you get even more tempo and value from your eggs.
Demons - Your 2 demons Doomguard and Enhanced Dreadlord can be cheated out by Voidcallers and by Sacrificial Summoners being played on 4 cost minions or Corridor Creepers. This is generally powerful and helps your overall aggressive strategy by helping you push face damage and win the board.
Egg Warlock can beat any deck given how powerful its early game can be, with its main strength being the sheer amount of stats it can get early. Some aggro decks with a lot of burst may snowball and burst you down in the early game if you draw poorly, and some control decks can outvalue you, although it’s tough with eggs, Voidcallers, Teron Gorefiend, and Tamsin’s Phylactery making your board resistant to most removals.
- Keep one copy each of a Kobold Librarian, Desecrated Graveyard, and Sacrificial Summoner.
- Keep one 2-cost egg, with the priority from best to worst being Nerubian Egg, Serpent Egg, and Scarab Egg.
- If you have a Sacrificial Summoner, keep one Corridor Creeper, and also prioritize Scarab Egg as that will reduce its cost faster. Also, if you have Sacrificial Summoner and a Corridor Creeper in hand but no eggs, mulligan harder for eggs and get rid of cards you'd otherwise keep like Desecrated Graveyard and Kobold Librarian.
- If you have a Voidcaller and Enhanced Dreadlord in hand, keep one of both.
The key to playing this deck well is to balance getting value versus tempo from all your cards and hero power. Many cards like Tamsin's Phylactery, Disciplinarian Gandling, Teron Gorefiend, and Sacrificial Summoner need to be played at a time when they provide enough value from them so that you won't run out of value later, while keeping in mind if you wait too long you will fall behind too much on tempo and lose.
Below are gameplay tips regarding many of the synergies in this deck and how to use them effectively.
Egg and Korrak Synergies
Your eggs can be played early on to set up cards that sacrifice minions. Scarab Egg is special because it summons 3 tokens which can help Corridor Creeper's cost decrease faster.
Korrak the Bloodrager is great because when you sacrifice him with any of your sacrifice cards he will be resummoned with full health. Make sure that when you trade him he doesn't get honorably killed, and try to manipulate your opponent minions through trades so that it's hard for them to honorably kill him on their turn.
Sacrificial Summoner Synergy
Sacrificial Summoner allows you to activate Deathrattle minions and get a higher cost minion out of the deck. Here is a breakdown of the minions you can expect to get from him at different mana costs:
1-cost: You have Kobold Librarian, Lackeys from EVIL Genius, and Scarabs from Scarab Egg as possible 1-cost targets. You will summon an EVIL Genius, Nerubian Egg, Scarab Egg, or Serpent Egg from the deck. It's generally not worth it to use Summoner on 1-costs unless you are in desperate need of tempo and have no other targets.
2-cost: You have EVIL Genius and 2-cost eggs as targets. You will summon a Devilsaur Egg, Sacrificial Summoner, or Teron Gorefiend from the deck. This is not the best mana slot to use Summoner on, but is still good tempo even if you hit Teron or another Summoner. You can use Summoner on a 2-cost for tempo if you have no other good 3 cost plays and are desperate for tempo.
3-cost: You have Devilsaur Egg, Summoner, and Teron as possible targets, as well as the Sea Serpent from a Serpent Egg. You will summon a Disciplinarian Gandling, Korrak the Bloodrager, or Voidcaller. All these options are pretty good, and this is a good mana slot to use Summoner on if you need tempo earlier and don't have a higher cost option available. If you have a demon in hand, you may want to try and get a Voidcaller.
4-cost: You have Korrak, Gandling, Voidcaller, Nerubian from Nerubian Egg, and Desecrated Shade from Desecrated Graveyard as possible targets. You will be guaranteed to summon a Doomguard from the deck. This is one of the best costs to use Summoner on, as getting a Doomguard from the deck is very powerful and you can attack with it immediately. If you use it on Voidcaller, you can even cheat out 2 big demons at once - one from hand and one from the deck. This can create some supremely powerful early turns where you have 2 Doomguards or a Doomguard and an Enhanced Dreadlord out as early as turn 4.
7-cost: You have Corridor Creeper as the only target, and it is guaranteed to summon an Enhanced Dreadlord. This is one of the best costs for Summoner as well, and you can do this earlier than turn 7 as Corridor Creeper's cost will get reduced.
Desecrated Graveyard and Teron Gorefiend Synergies
You can use Desecrated Graveyard to pop eggs. You can also use it to get Voidcallers destroyed faster and on Korrak the Bloodrager. Since it works on the lowest attack minion, you can control the effect, and if you want it to hit a Voidcaller don't play any eggs that turn and instead do something like hero power. You should note that if two or more minions with equal attack are on the board, it will choose a target randomly.
Teron Gorefiend will activate the Deathrattle of your eggs and other minions and later resummon them. Some specific synergy to note is that if you have Doomguard on the board, you can attack with it, use Teron, then use an EVIL Genius or Sacrificial Summoner to destroy Teron and get a 6 attack Doomguard that can attack immediately on the board.
Corridor Creeper Synergy
The main use of Corridor Creeper is to use Sacrificial Summoner on it and summon an Enhanced Dreadlord from the deck. Your eggs in general are great for reducing its cost, but Scarab Egg is a particularly good one to look out for and play early if you have a Corridor Creeper in hand.
Another use of Corridor Creeper is, if you happen to get a Witchy Lackey from EVIL Genius, you can use it to turn Corridor Creeper into a random 8 cost minion.
You can also combine it with Tamsin's Phylactery as a free minion to drop the turn you play it to make your board wider and get more value out of it. Combining it with Disciplinarian Gandling to get a 0 cost 4/4 can be a good play as well.
Finally, you can always just play it as a free 2/5 for tempo.
Raise Dead Plays
Raise Dead is a great card that can add high quality cards to your hand. Using it at the right moment is crucial for maximum effectiveness.
If you have Raise Dead in hand early, you can kind of control what minions you will get back to hand. You should try to get high quality ones like eggs, Kobold Librarians, or a Sacrificial Summoner back before tokens from the eggs have died. If you wait too long, you will increase the chance of Raise Dead giving a token back instead of a better quality card.
If you draw it later in the game, try to use it after trading in high quality minions but not tokens.
Disciplinarian Gandling Synergies
In addition to playing eggs with Disciplinarian Gandling to crack them as well as summon a 4/4 immediately, you can try to save 1 cost minions in hand to set up a big Disciplinarian Gandling turn if you see that you have Gandling in hand or summoned him early from Sacrificial Summoner. Specifically, you can use Kobold Librarians and Lackeys from EVIL Genius.
There is one exception to the prior Raise Dead tips if you have Disciplinarian Gandling in hand. If you have the 1/1 tokens from Scarab Egg in play, you can try to trade them and then get them back from Raise Dead as they will cost 1 and you can combo them with Gandling easily to get 4/4s.
Tamsin's Phylactery Synergy
You can use Tamsin's Phylactery to both get a Deathrattle minion to hand and give your entire board its Deathrattle.
Your top targets for this are Devilsaur Egg, Korrak the Bloodrager, and Enhanced Dreadlord. You can give your board the ability to summon 5/5s, Korraks (a board of which is extra hard to remove), and 5/5s with Lifesteal. You will usually get at least one of these targets offered. If you don't have any of these in the Deathrattle pool for Tamsin's Phylactery yet, you can still play it early with a powerful effect even if you select a Serpent Egg or Nerubian Egg.
Finally, keep in mind that if you have a Voidcaller on the board or in hand, but no other demons, you may want to lean in the direction of picking Enhanced Dreadlord instead of something like Korrak as you will get the Dreadlord in hand as a good target for the Voidcaller.
Overall, you can get a lot of stats and make your board resistant to board clears. You should try to balance how immediately you get the minions summoned, and especially against control leave some minions untraded even if you can trade them earlier so that board clears will leave you with a powerful board.
Hero Power Use
Make sure you are keeping track of value in hand - the Warlock hero power is very powerful and you need to use it, sometimes even at the cost of playing an extra 2 cost minion, so that you can keep your hand full of options. Against hyper aggressive decks, you should go all-in with tempo and rather play minions than hero power, but especially against control decks make sure you are utilizing the hero power often.
Card Choices
This section is going to go through the main packages of cards in the deck. Each package has cards that help the deck with a specific goal. When playing the deck, it's useful to know what purposes each card serves and what other cards in the deck have synergy with it or help achieve the same purpose. This section might also be useful if you're interested in the reasoning for why each card was included in the deck.
Eggs Package
The most important part of an Egg Warlock is the eggs. They let your sacrifice a minion cards get their effects off while putting a lot of stats into play for the cost. Korrak the Bloodrager is not technically an egg but he acts like an egg in this deck.
Sacrifice Package
These cards sacrifice minions for powerful effects.
Demon Mana Cheat Package
This package gives the deck the potential to highroll powerful demons onto the board early in the game. Why is this package so good specifically in Egg Warlock? First of all, Sacrificial Summoner works great with eggs and would be in the deck anyway. Furthermore, your plethora of sacrifice effects lets you get Voidcaller's effect off faster. Finally, Corridor Creeper's cost is reduced uniquely quickly in a deck like Egg Warlock because all your eggs count as 2 or more minions in one and you will be destroying minions even if there are no opposing minions to trade into.
Card Draw and Value
These draw cards or put minions into your hand. In addition to value, Tamsin's Phylactery gives your entire board a huge Deathrattle buff.
Egg warlock has been revolutionized and revamped in this expansion, and is stronger than ever. If you have a question or comment, or are wondering about a card substitution, post below.
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5Update #1
Card changes 2 years ago (Lich King Pre-Purchase)
- Foul Egg 2
- Devourer of Souls 1
- Invincible 1
- Shallow Grave 2
- Kobold Librarian -2
- Scarab Egg -2
- Raise Dead -2
- 00
- 01
- 02
- 03
- 04
- 05
- 06
- 07+
- 1 Devourer of Souls x 1
- 2 EVIL Genius x 2
- 2 Shallow Grave x 2
- 3 Desecrated Graveyard x 2
- 3 Sacrificial Summoner x 2
- 4 Disciplinarian Gandling x 1
- 4 Tamsin's Phylactery x 1
- 4 Voidcaller x 2
- 5 Doomguard x 2
- 8 Enhanced Dreadlord x 2
- 1 Foul Egg x 2
- 2 Nerubian Egg x 2
- 2 Serpent Egg x 2
- 3 Devilsaur Egg x 2
- 3 Teron Gorefiend x 1
- 4 Korrak the Bloodrager x 1
- 7 Corridor Creeper x 2
- 8 Invincible x 1
More Egg Warlock Decks
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Thank you so much for this! I haven’t even played it, but I know it’s gonna be good
Can confirm, a pleasure to play.
Thanks! I like your Egg Paladin deck btw, I saw it on Reddit. Egg decks are cool.
Right back at you brother bear!I’ve really been extracting a lot of value from your guides, there is so much in there
When are eggs going to get a minion type tag? When are we going to get an egg themed expansion?
I remember when the Dragon Egg summoning 2/1 whelps was even played in Druids.
Thanks about the guides! Have you played Egg Hunter? Also a pretty nice Egg deck, Korrak is really good there too.
I do play Egg Hunter from time to time, but not recently. My go to DR Hunter deck these days features the spiky boi.