Deathrattle Priest Idea

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Theorycraft

The idea is to get a lot of value from deathrattles and repeating deathrattles through resurrection, copying, and shuffling, all while controlling the board. This is just something I toyed around with and in no way a refined decklist.

Ideally, it would need better endgame deathrattles, but that remains to be seen. I also thought that Reckless Experimenter and Spirit of the Dead was a cool combination to get a lot of cheap deathrattles into your deck, but again that's better sutied for more expensive deathrattles.

Also, some weird inclusions are Kaboom Bot, and Cult Master. I thought Kaboom Bot was a suitable early game board control, being a random Shadow Bolt attached to a 2/2, which can bring you to turn 5 where the deck begins to shine (I know it ends up being a worse Spider Bomb but that's sadly only for hunters). The idea with Cult Master is that since a lot of minions are dying, sometimes on purpose, it can capitalize on that with some card draw which I feel like the deck would struggle with. Certainly, Cult Master would be the first to be cut down to 1 or 0 inclusions in the deck after some testing if necessary.

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