Extremelly Unfun Mill

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual

First time doing one, apologize if anything, also if you know cards may fit the deck better feel free to do changes.

Your goal is to use Spirit of the Shark or Brann Bronzebeard to double the battlecries of Coldlight Oracle and/or Prize Vendor, while using cards such as Lab Recruiter and maybe Togwaggle's Scheme or Gang Up to prevent yourself from milling, be sure to double Lab Recruiter effect if possible.

You must be thinking, how am i suposed to survive? Well if you combine multiple copies of Armor Vendor with double battlecries, youre gonna get so much armor that some times your opponent will quit, and getting rid of their armor is not a problem when Fatigue will deal massive damage eventually, you can as well use Vanish and Shadowcrafter Scabbs to get rid of a board, which when their hand is full just destroy all minions.

Cheap 0 and 1 cost cads can be used in a turn just in order to make you dont burn a card in your hand, because even you will end with a full hand, even if the card is gonna be wasted.

I used to have Mankrik but recently replaced with Scabbs, which is very helpful by being a second Vanish and giving you cost reductions for playing more Coldlights a turn.

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