Odd Token Druid

Last updated 5 years, 11 months ago by
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Odd token druid has the power of token druid but I find has a better match up against other aggro match ups as the hero power give life gain and good early game removal and you also are a threat with Savage Roar. as with 4 minions on the board which is reasonable to get you do ten bonus damage and that tends to either kill or near kill lots of people as you already have them damaged plus you have you minions damage as well.


This deck might not be the most powerful but if you are looking for something fun and have the ability to at least make it to rank five this might be the deck as it is off meta some cards that really bring it together are.

Landscaping This card is so strong as you get 4/4 in stats for 3 man plus it puts two minions on the field which combos well with Savage Roar it also give you the ability to split the damage up so you can use your hero power to trade more effectively. 

Savage Roar This brings the deck together as having all of the minions on the board isn't that strong unless you can combo it with Savage Roar.

Baku the Mooneater This is the key card that make this deck unique as it allows for the hero power to fight for the early game effectively.

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