Bomb Warrior
- Control Warrior
- Wild
- Ranked
Bomb warrior is just control warrior with the bombs as a win condition similar to hakkar as you just wait till fatigue and "blow them up" plus you get the bonus of having a power spike at 7 if you have bombs with with Blastmaster boom which make this better than hakkar. also hakkar can't really function as without explore ungoro or DMH. So this might be the new fatigue warrior of year of the dragon.
Blastmaster boom i think will really push this deck to the top as you now have to win contition of fatigue/booms and blastmaster boom. Plus fatigue is a better game plan know that the deathknight are rotating out so you can not vs the infinite value of jaina and death stalker rexxar
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0- 00
- 61
- 72
- 53
- 34
- 75
- 06
- 27+
- 1 Execute x 2
- 1 Omega Assembly x 1
- 1 Shield Slam x 2
- 1 Slam x 1
- 2 Dragon Roar x 2
- 2 Shield Block x 2
- 2 Warpath x 2
- 2 Weapons Project x 1
- 3 Clockwork Goblin x 2
- 3 Smolderthorn Lancer x 1
- 4 Omega Devastator x 1
- 4 Wrenchcalibur x 2
- 5 Brawl x 1
- 5 Dyn-o-matic x 2
- 5 Emberscale Drake x 2
- 7 Blastmaster Boom x 1
- 7 Dr. Boom, Mad Genius x 1
- 3 Acolyte of Pain x 2
- 5 Harrison Jones x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
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