[RoS] Creation Mage

Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
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What is the goal of this deck?

Blizzard seems to be pushing Mage towards a control deck that manages to apply pressure by summoning waves of minions at a meager cost... As such, we are going to adopt this magnificent game plan. Which cards or combos will bring us to victory?

  1. Astromancer:
    We will be playing Hand Mage, but without the Mountain Giants, the main reason being that we are not guaranteed to drop a giant on turn 4 or at a moment that would be able to compel our opponent to respect our big boy. To feed Astromancer, we have Research Project, Arcane Intellect, Bloodmage Thalnos (which could be replaced by a second Research Project if it turns out to be not so useful) and Hex Lord Malacrass
  2. Unexpected Results:
    Two 2-drops on turn 4 is just okay, but by combining Unexpected Results with Celestial Emissary two 4-drops on turn 6 can be pretty interesting, especially if we play the classic Frost Nova + Doomsayer combo on turn 5. This would grant us a nice tempo swing in our favor. If not, just having a Bloodmage Thalnos on board on, say, turn 3, and then playing Unexpected Results would grant us some capital to trade into our opponent's minions, or to apply pressure on our opponent if they are playing a control deck.
  3. Power of Creation:
    Think about it a second: Paladin gets a 7-mana 6-drop with Taunt and Divine Shield, but Mage, for one more mana, gets TWO 6-drops, albeit with no guaranteed Taunt nor Divine Shield... *slaps car* This bad boy can fit so much fucking value in it. It's an amazing card to play on turn 8. 
  4. Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk:
    7-mana 4/4 summon Ragnaros the Firelord is pretty good, considering that our Firelord got HoF-ed. [card[Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk is a good on most turns anyways.
  5. Kalecgos:
    You know... 10-mana 4/12 + two 6-cost minions on turn 10 is pretty amazing... or 10-mana summon a 4/12 and clear the board, that too is amazing. If Kalecgos manages to survive an extra turn... who knows how much value could this bad boy fit in itself.

    And finally, the card that brings everything together...

  6. Khadgar:
    This 2-mana card literally makes our whole deck stronger. Imagine pulling Khadgar + Power of Creation on turn ten, or Khadgar + Astromancer or Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk on turn 9... Imagine our opponent having to deal with so much pressure... They would expend lots of resources to clear all the threats on board, in which case he would freely let us summon another wave of minions that he would probably not be able to clear. Insta-win? Not necessarily, but we would gain lots of tempo from an early Khadgar combo. Heck, any well-timed Khadgar combo could seal a game. 


  1. Hex Lord Malacrass
    His only purposes is to generate more gas, but our starting hand might not be suited for late-game situations... Malacrass does not guarantee us useful cards at all times. I would replace it with a better Legendary minion. Let's see what Blizzard has in store for us.
  2. Bloodmage Thalnos:
    Personally, I like him a lot for its ability to boost our board clears and our Unexpected Results, but if he turns out to be less useful than an extra Research Project, he will be replaced.
  3. Voodoo Doll:
    This card was considered pretty good in Mage because of its synergy with the Death Knight hero power, but with Jaina rotating out, I would play 1 copy of the doll instead of 2 if Blizzard comes up with a better card.

EDIT: -1 Hex Lord Malacrass, +1 Research Project

EDIT 2: -2 Voodoo Doll, +2 Sunreaver Warmage; -1 Bloodmage Thalnos, +1 Archmage Vargoth

EDIT 3: -2 Celestial Emissary, +1 Bloodmage Thalnos, +1 Blast Wave

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