Top 500 Pirate Rogue

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
  • Casual

So this is my more refined List of Pirate Rogue I used to climb from 1300 rank to 451 currently and I currently maintain a 60% wnirate with this deck.

As predicted by some Hooktusk is too slow and very situational so cutting Hooktusk makes the deck better. I also cut Shadowsteps since one there are not many good targets for it and I opted to include the preps instead which can lead to earlier vessels and earlier vessel gone fishings. Surprise addition was the plague Scientist that can help you clear boards and some pesky minions mainly vs Druid.

The game plan with the deck stays pretty much the same tho. You want to mulligan for your early pirates and against slow classes like Druids Priests you want to be aggresive and look to setup kills with vessels and smite by turn 6 or 7 any later and the game becomes pretty unfavorable for you.

Against aggresive classes then still go for early pirates but also keep extortion and the swordfish is just a great tool for board control or if you get ahead you can actually just race these decks and kill them.

Overall good deck and the gameplan is just play the early out and try to setup burst combos on 6 or 7 with smite and the 2nd part of your vessel.


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