Nature Denathrius Druid - Murder at Castle Nathria Day 1 Decks

Last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
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  • Theorycraft

All aboard the Druid train, toot toot! Topior the Shrubbagazzor seems extremely powerful, so let's play a deck based around it before the inevitable nerf!

I've always enjoyed a particular style of Token Druid, one that wants to win through overwhelming numbers in the mid-to-late game, rather than simply winning on turn-4. Board after board arises to keep the opponent on the back-foot, before they crumble through sheer attrition. This is that deck reborn, only now it can keep summoning Rush minions near-infinitely! And of course, with all these minions being summoned and traded away, Sire Denathrius is our ace in the hole, the late-game bomb to finish 'em off. Capture Coldtooth Mine will tutor him out specifically, and could even grab us Topior as well; the sooner they enter our hand, the more likely the victory. "Unfortunately" we risk pulling Scale of Onyxia instead, but is that really a negative outcome?

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