Augmented Deathrattles Hunter
- Deathrattle Hunter
- Wild
- Ranked
- Casual
- Fun
This is a Wild Deathrattle Hunter deck making use of the fact that Augmented Porcupine received the double tribe treatment. That way, we can abuse the Magnetic mechanic and the Beast synergies at the same time.
As always, this deck is an ongoing work in progress, so feel free to leave suggestions for improvements!
Augmented Deathrattles Hunter is a deck that is stacked to the brim with synergies. The fact that Augmented Porcupine is now a Beast as well as a Mech and sports a Deathrattle allows us to combine three of the best supported Hunter archetypes in the game. In fact, there's so much support for this approach that I decided to make it a Renathal list so I can stuff in more cards. The 10 additional Health points won't hurt either since we need to survive the first few turns until the Porcupine fiesta can begin.
Here's what I'm looking forward to most:
- Tutor and buff the Porcupine at the same time with Scavenger's Ingenuity!
- Create a board clear by attaching Venomizer to the Porcupine and triggering its Deathrattle!
- Discover Improved Emergency Maneuvers or Improved Pack Tactics with Beaststalker Tavish to summon even more Porcupines!
- Discount your Mechs with Galvanizer and Mechwarper to build a huge Porcupine!
- Take the ultimate greed-route and buff and multiply the Porcupine at the same time with Dire Frenzy!
- You got a big Porcupine online? Duplicate it with Shan'do Wildclaw or Ini Stormcoil!
- Spam endless waves of Porcupines by resurrecting it with Nine Lives, Revive Pet and Defense Attorney Nathanos!
Competitiveness, Win condition and Mulligan
I'm pretty sure this won't be a tier 1 deck either way but if you want to go down a more competitive road, you should cut some of the fun cards like Dire Frenzy and add a Secret package with Dun Baldar Bunker. This will help you survive the early game and thin your deck at the same time. This is not what I'm aiming at here though, since there are already more refined lists out there following this approach and Darkmoon Tonk is probably a better pay off card to build such a deck around anyway. What we're trying to do here is building a semi-competitive meme deck.
This deck wants to win games by summoning endless waves of Porcupines and buffing them as much as possible. You can choose to defeat your opponent by smashing their face with the Porcupines or by triggering their Deathrattles. Or both. Both is fine as well. Your plan B is summoning other Mechs and magnetizing stuff to them - remember: Magnetic is pseudo-Charge if you manage to stick a board.
Cards you should be looking for in the mulligan:
- Scavenger's Ingenuity is the best card you can find, Selective Breeder takes the second place. If you get offered one of these, you can toss the Porcupine itself.
- If you have a Porcupine or a tutor, keep one Fireworks Tech.
- You can try to aim at a hand of Mechs to start the game with, so keep Click-Clocker, Skaterbot, Galvanizer, Mechwarper, SN1P-SN4P, Venomizer, Spider Bomb.
Card choices and substitutes
There's a plethora of ways to build this deck, so feel free to adjust it to your personal gusto and your collection. A few suggestions from my side include:
- Selective Breeder can be replaced by Warsong Wrangler. I went with the Breeder because he's cheaper and I prioritized tutoring the Porcupine early over buffing it.
- I might yet cut down the Mech package a bit and add more Deathrattle stuff. The first target would probably be SN1P-SN4P, maybe also one copy of Galvanizer, Mechwarper and Click-Clocker. They could make room for cards like Feign Death, Mok'Nathal Lion, Teron Gorefiend, Devouring Swarm, Goblin Prank. Jewel of N'Zoth is too expensive for my taste but you could always try running one copy and see how it goes.
- You can do the opposite of the point above and reduce the dust cost of the deck by replacing Shan'do Wildclaw and Ini Stormcoil with a second copy of Replicating Menace and Wargear.
- I've limited the number of Deathrattle minions to a minimum so you're almost guaranteed to find what you need when you play Nine Lives and Defense Attorney Nathanos. If you're fine with a little less consistency, cards like Ursatron are worth a second thought.
- None of the legendaries is mandatory, but Zilliax is close to it since it's your single source of healing (not counting Tavish's armor gain).
- Metaltooth Leapers can add support if you want to buff the ability of abusing a wide board created with the help of SN1P-SN4P and Replicating Menace, not to mention all those other Mechs and the fact that it buffs your Porcupine's attack as well.
- Flare is the single tech card I've added because I hate Quest Mage and the deck is lacking draw anyway. I've tried to fix that with two copies of Tracking, but maybe Furious Howl is a better idea.
- As mentioned under Competitiveness and Mulligan, you can add a Secret package in place of some more fun-oriented cards to hopefully boost your winrate.
Key synergies
Part 1: The Beast package
Find the Porcupine, buff the Porcupine, revive the Porcupine, multiply the Porcupine!
Part 2: The Mech package
Buff the Porcupine, magnetize your Mechs onto the Porcupine, Mana cheat the Porcupine, duplicate the Porcupine!
Part 3: The Deathrattle package
Kill the Porcupine!
I certainly hope Augmented Deathrattles Hunter will be the semi-competitive meme deck I have built it to be now the dual tribe update is live. If you have any questions, ideas for improvements or need advice for a card replacement, just comment below!
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5Update #3
Card changes 2 years, 3 months ago (March of the Lich King)
Update #2
Card changes 2 years, 4 months ago (Lich King Pre-Purchase)
Update #1
Card changes 2 years, 4 months ago (Lich King Pre-Purchase)
- Tracking 2
- Venomizer 2
- Flare 1
- Prince Renathal 1
- Scavenger's Ingenuity 2
- Play Dead 2
- Warsong Wrangler -1
- Wargear -1
- 00
- 91
- 102
- 113
- 54
- 35
- 26
- 07+
- 1 Flare x 1
- 1 Play Dead x 2
- 1 Tracking x 2
- 2 Fireworks Tech x 2
- 2 Scavenger's Ingenuity x 2
- 2 Selective Breeder x 2
- 2 Venomizer x 2
- 3 Augmented Porcupine x 2
- 3 Nine Lives x 2
- 3 Revive Pet x 2
- 3 Shan'do Wildclaw x 1
- 3 Spider Bomb x 2
- 4 Dire Frenzy x 2
- 6 Beaststalker Tavish x 1
- 6 Defense Attorney Nathanos x 1
- 1 Click-Clocker x 2
- 1 Skaterbot x 2
- 2 Galvanizer x 2
- 3 Prince Renathal x 1
- 3 SN1P-SN4P x 1
- 4 Mechwarper x 2
- 4 Replicating Menace x 1
- 5 Ini Stormcoil x 1
- 5 Wargear x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
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