NEW Arcane Mage OTK Will Get Nerfed 100% After March of the Lich King Goes Live | Hearthstone

Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago by
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NEW Arcane Mage OTK Will Get Nerfed 100% After March of the Lich King Goes Live | Hearthstone

If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram!

Good luck, my friends!

My opponents:

00:00 Dragon Paladin

08:35 Token Undead Druid

15:33 Arcane OTK Mage

Deck code:

### Arcane Power

# Class: Mage

# Format: Standard

# Year of the Hydra


# 2x (0) Flurry (Rank 1)

# 2x (1) Arcane Bolt

# 2x (1) Arcane Wyrm

# 2x (1) First Flame

# 2x (2) Magister's Apprentice

# 2x (2) Prismatic Elemental

# 2x (2) Runed Orb

# 2x (2) Siphon Mana

# 2x (2) Solid Alibi

# 2x (3) Arcane Intellect

# 2x (3) Arcsplitter

# 1x (3) Nightcloak Sanctum

# 2x (3) Vast Wisdom

# 2x (4) Fire Sale

# 2x (4) Multicaster

# 1x (5) Vexallus

# AAECAc76AwKEkwWmkwUO1OoD0OwDp/cDrvcDqIEEio0E/J4Eyt4ExZMFypMFkJYFqpgFq5gFgqIFAA==


# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #Marchofthelichking #Hearthstone March of the Lich King

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