Jungle Technician Queen
- Spell Hunter
- Standard
- Casual
- Fun
Hello Hunters,
If you're looking to mix up your gameplay, consider a trip to the spell casino! We have a lot of discover and random generation to keep things fresh, while also playing some cards we otherwise wouldn't.
General Gameplan
Scratch and survive early until you can generate a lot of value in the mid-game and close things out late through an accumulation of damage. Win conditions include:
- Fire spells from Pyrotechnician
- Face damage (Pyroblast, Fireball, etc.)
- Value (JIVE, INSECT!, The Fires of Zin-Azshari, etc.)
- Queen Azshara
- Typically Xal'atath or Horn of Ancients
- Astalor Bloodsworn
- We value the 5 armor, but 14dmg after an Urchin Spines + Ricochet Shot clear is also appreciated
- Jungle Jammer - the face damage alone adds up, but...
- A 50% chance at King Krush for a 9-cost summon is pretty sweet; and
- A 20% chance at Mister Mukla for a 6-cost summon is the chef's kiss (though the other 6-costs beasts aren't too shabby either)
- Paparazzi
- You almost always get 1 option that's totally wharf it, including some end game options (e.g., a Colossal, Alex, Ragnaros)
Typically, I'll hard mulligan for Trinket Tracker, especially if I'm going first, as it's the only 1-drop we really want to play and we have good odds on drawing a useable 2-drop.
How we'd like to curve:
- Trinket Tracker, otherwise trade Doggie Biscuit
- If you get Trinket to stick, buffing via Bunch of Bananas or Doggie Biscuit is usually the play
- Otherwise, we try to get a body on the board for trading / stalling (i.e., Barrel of Monkeys, Hipster, Astalor)
- If you're playing against aggro, don't hesitate to use Conjured Arrow to clear or our tech card Doomsayer
- If you have Pyrotechnician for T4, then T3 is all about clearing the board via trades (may require a banana / biscuit buff), Shellshot, and/or Doomsayer
- Otherwise we buff anything that's stuck on board or play some more stats via Nerubian Vizier and Paparazzi
- Ideally Pyro (soft taunt that disrupts gameplans similar to Pozzik) or Jungle Jammer (won't attack with the weapon unless there's a real threat)
- There are times you'll want to play Barrel of Monkeys instead to protect a buffed minion or activate Queen Azshara
Other Tips
Don't be afraid to use Ricochet Shot or Shellshot without Urchin Spines as you can often generate other spells to combo with it from Pyro (e.g., Hellfire, Fire Sale), Vizier, or Hipster.
Also, don't be afraid of burning a card or two if you're generating spells off Pyro via Bunch of Bananas or Barrel of Monkeys that come back to your hand.
Some other synergies to keep in mind:
- Trinket Tracker's death + Nerubian Vizier's discount - sometimes you don't want to trade with trinket so your opponent kills it; trinket's death can sometimes justify coining out Vizier as well
- Doomsayer + Barrel of Monkeys - can help set up swing turns via Astalor, Jungle Jammer, Queen Azshara, etc.
- Zilliax + banana or biscuit buffs, as well as Pyro cards such as Blazing Power or Sunfire Smithing
Jungle Jammer - you typically don't want to break it until you're at least summoning a 5-cost beast.
- I also tend to avoid summoning an 8-cost as Ozumat is guaranteed and I'd rather try for Krush or just summon a 7-drop (you'll either get Red Herring or, imo, a better Colossal)
Card Replacements
There are tons of other RNG cards that will fit the casino theme and I've tried most of them: Umbral Geist, School Teacher, Marked Shot, and Ghost Writer didn't make the final cut as you have to balance greed with survivability.
If you want to be more competitive, replacing 2x Paparazzi is probably the first choice. It's a little slow and you might as well just run the legendaries you're usually hoping to find.
Happy Hunting!
- Rang
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0- 00
- 81
- 102
- 63
- 44
- 25
- 06
- 07+
- 1 Bunch of Bananas x 2
- 1 Ricochet Shot x 2
- 1 Trinket Tracker x 2
- 1 Urchin Spines x 2
- 2 Barrel of Monkeys x 2
- 2 Conjured Arrow x 2
- 2 Doggie Biscuit x 2
- 3 Shellshot x 2
- 4 Jungle Jammer x 2
- 2 Astalor Bloodsworn x 1
- 2 Doomsayer x 1
- 2 Hipster x 2
- 3 Nerubian Vizier x 2
- 3 Paparazzi x 2
- 4 Pyrotechnician x 2
- 5 Queen Azshara x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
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