Paladin Highlander Mecha Dragon Anachronos

Last updated 1 year, 8 months ago by
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Dear Paladins, hi :)


I only play Paladin since i play hearstone and now i have only 1 gold standard deck i use for both my wilds and standard games.

I keep it up standard every extension and for now i have 8500 victories with it and i have been up to diamond and platinum with it...


The goal :


I don't like aggro decks for short rushs and i don't like repetitive mechanics, i like long games with unexpected moves :)


This is an hybrid deck very versatile who allow you to beat any deck if you master it. Even a board full of immune...

It's an expensive deck because it has 10 legendary creatures but theses creatures allow to have a different games anytime.

 Compared to others Paladin it combine mecha and dragon synergies...

For exemple, you play timewarden turn 3, goldwings, turn 4 and you add zilliax or wargear turn 5. You have a mecha dragon 6/4 with rush, taunt, divine shield, lifesteal and windfury or a 9/7 without lifesteal... Sometime, it allow me to kill aggro deck turn 6...

But the goal is not quick win. It is a deck which can allow you to control any opponent all game.

The fundamental strategy is :

1\ a strong basis of creatures with taunt and divine shield all game.

2\ You pick at least 2 dragons offdecks and 3 colossals (Faelin) you can drag with leviathan (mecha u can boost too with magentism, btw)

3\ Anachronos can break any board from turn 7

4\ Tyrion bring 5/3 ashbringer weapon turn 8

5\ Astalor bring 14 dmg turn 10

6\ For defense against heavy board, there is amplified elekk and annoy-o troupes which allow to block a full board of x/x if the deathtrattle is not disabled.


It's a very fun deck with every game different and wich allow you to beat any type of deck if you are lucky and smart.


Edit : my favorit move with this deck is the double anachronos chain (sometimes triple :) : putting a 2nd Anachronos 2 turns in the futur when all respawn,  sometime with timewarden just before in the turn (3+7 mana), it give him taunt and divine shield when summoned :) U have a high rate to have at least a 2nd anachronos, particulary if yu pick dragons which discover you another dragon when there is not anachronos, alextraza, ysera or any good dragon :) One time i have beaten a deck full of big immune with thadius, etc, by sending them 3 times 2 turns in the futur with 3 anachronos... He ragequitted at the third invoke... xd :)


Have a good day :)






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