Travan's Legend Wild Fatigue Quest Warlock

Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hi there,

fellow painseeking and rank-climbing warlock players!

A week or so into the new expansion, I would like to say that WILD never been so lively with a lot of Highlander-theme cards.
Still, my main interest is always that of a warlock.

It is also quiet shocking that the data into the first week.
After the notorious Snake incident (R.I.P The Azerite Snake ) Warlock was in a dazzling state for a couple of day until people found another way to get around.
But without further ado, I presented you with This Demon Seed Fatigue Warlock Deck
this deck isn't taking advantage of Molten Giant or Imprisoned Horror like usual. Instead, the goal of this deck is to survive until you completed the quest while aiming to YOUR Fatigue and burst the enemies down after you dropped Blightborn Tamsin with the fatigue damage. you could easily reach less than 10 card in your deck to activate the Blood Shard Bristleback for massive healing from it.
At a pivot point of 10 cards or less (in your deck), you could regain control of the board and your health.


How to Mulligan:

The Demon Seed

Of course, don't you dare throw the quest away; you might not necessarily play it on the first turn. In fact, sometimes you play it on the second or third turn if your following turn doesn't open of self-damage.

A new card from the Badland expansion; it might not seem like it, but this is one of the most important gimmicks in this deck.
Not only opens you up for a "dedge-style draw", it is also destroying the other option that you might not bother to draw at all during the game.
It's also help thin your deck to hit that fatigue point more quickly and enable your early Blood Shard Bristleback for burst damage and healing from it.

You'll love this card when you hate those Totem Shamans and Pirate Rogues

Wing Welding
Same as Defile but this could handle minions at larger stats, the main target of discard. Hand of Gul'dan and Furnace Fuel.

Self Damage Minions to look for:
Crystallizer and Kobold Librarian

Game plan;
Focus on surviving and controlling the board's presence while thinning your deck ASAP
Once you got Blightborn Tamsin, you should prepare to finish the game within or in the turn after by drawing beyond fatigue using the combination of
Hand of Gul'dan, Furnace Fuel, and Chamber of Viscidus

also be looking for a possibilities of being yoink'd your Blightborn Tamsin by Theotar, the Mad Duke so try to drop her after you complete the quest.

Your tough match would be any aggro deck mostly being hit till you cannot hurt yourself anymore by Totem Shaman, Kingsbane and Pirate Rogue.
Especially post rank 5 you land on them quite often. but it isn't impossible to win and even out-heal them. once their 2nd board gone they done
Now that I hit legend with this deck, next station! deranking myself with my meme decks.

Don't forget to have fun, guys!


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  • linkinboy0's Avatar
    Headmaster 1235 513 Posts Joined 07/07/2019
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Uff this is awesome!!! So much fun and draw, it makes me a little anxious trying to count if I have lethal or not haha

    • sintravan's Avatar
      65 2 Posts Joined 07/11/2023
      Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

      I'm glad you had a WILD BLAST with this one.
      Much to my surprise, it's still doing pretty well and has over a nearly 60% winrate in reclimbing from Bronze to Diamon 5.
      Ironically speaking, we have to deal 30 damage to ourselves before our opponent manages to do so.
      And it always surprises me how scary fatigue can be. 

      • linkinboy0's Avatar
        Headmaster 1235 513 Posts Joined 07/07/2019
        Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

        I've been using it and I love it. Won an incredible game last night that I had to use enough fatigue to get tamsin (while staying at 2hp) then drawing crazy amount of cards to get lethal.


        What I find funny is that the name was copied wrongly and thereafter is named "Travan's Legend Wild Fat", which I find really funny. It's now my Fat Deck


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