Razanis Priest

Last updated 10 months, 2 weeks ago by
  • Theorycraft

Planning to try this out day one, and if it seems any good I'll write a more in-depth guide.

The basic idea is to control the board with Injured Hauler until you've played Raza the Resealed and found Heartbreaker Hedanis. Then, once the opponent's board is clear, you go ham with Hedanis. Papercraft Angel and Sing-Along Buddy are there to help out--in theory, for 5 mana, they're worth 30 damage if Hedanis is at full health, which of course all goes face if you've managed to keep the board clear. There's also Shadowtouched Kvaldir + Holy Springwater for the final bit of "Leeroy Jenkins" damage to get you over the top. Power Chord: Synchronize is there as a utility card to help you get more of whatever you need.

It all seems nice and powerful in a vacuum, but we'll see whether it holds up against all the day 1 face and aggro decks that inevitably show up to ruin everyone's fun, and then after that whether it can hold its own against real Hearthstone decks that don't just shrivel up and die if they don't kill you by turn 6. (No, I'm not bitter about previous launch days. Why do you ask? XD)

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