[Saviors of Uldum] Portal Shaman

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Hey guys,

My Portal Shaman deck got some attention last expansion, so I decided to update the deck when SoU comes out.

It's not supposed to be a Tier 1 deck, so don't spend all your dust on it if you're missing cards. The deck is a ton of fun though.

Since the expansion isn't even out yet, it's likely that i'll make some changes the next weeks.

The guide is under heavy construction, because the expansion isn't out yet and i haven't playtested the deck. The lines below are part of my old guide that I copy-pasted and slightly edited, don't mind them.

Maybe +Elysiana +Earthquake +Plague of Murlocs -Totem -Bloodlust -Elekk if the meta forces this deck to play more like a control deck. We'll see.


Game Plan:

This deck is all about the cards Portal Keeper and Portal Overfiend that can be combined with Corrupt the Waters, Augmented Elekk and later in the game with Shudderwock. You fill your deck with portals that generate you great tempo in the mid- and lategame stages of the game and they can be used as a win condition with The Storm Bringer or Bloodlust.

Mulligan/Early Game: Always mulligan for Sludge Slurper, Rat, Explorer, Totem, Hagatha's Scheme. And keep the Quest of course.

Mid Game: You will probably draw some portals already that can help you to contest the board or maybe you get a good Scheme off. Remove your opponents minions or play a proactive card like Portal Overfiend if your opponent allows you to do so until you manage to stabilize with or Walking Fountain.

Late Game: You should usually play The Storm Bringer when you have 4+ minions, because otherwise the board wont be threatening enough after. Don't worry about targets for The Storm Bringer, because a lot of 2/2 demons can come out in a single turn.

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