Draenei with Amalgams

Last updated 3 months, 3 weeks ago by
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This is close to a straightforward tribal warrior deck, but I didn't see anyone else running amalgams and I quite enjoy them as they make the deck more interesting and address some needs for the deck. So here is my rationale:

-There is a lack of good 1-drops for such an aggressive deck among draenei and the amalgams kind of work.

-They are also useful as curve fillers, which helps with efficient spending of mana, also important for aggresive decks.

-Them being draenei helps utilize the buffs especially from Greatmace and Commander better, also synergizes with Captain's Log disvount, as well as other tribal mechanics.

-Them being every other tribe as well makes it possible to include All you can Eat as a more consistent draw option, which is welcome as I see few good draw alternatives for the deck. As the amalgams keep their buffs, drawing a buffed amalgam again from the deck is less of a detriment.

Ivader can be a helpful tech in a meta with a lot of board flooding opponent decks (elemental mage, shamas, pirate dk).

[I am thinking about making a similar deck focused even more on buffing amalgams, but there are actually not enough non-draenei buffs to make it worth it in my view)

I went about 55-45 with this deck in a few dozen games between diamond 5 and diamond 2 so far, it is not the holy grail but an enjoyable tempo option with a bit underpowered tribal set.

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