Miracle Malygos Rogue-"Elegance"
- Malygos Rogue
- Wild
- Ranked
I shamelessly admit I'm writing this mostly to get into the pre order giveaway (which I know I won't ever get but I'm trying anyway because I'm one of those who used to play out Freeze Mage vs Control Warrior even though I knew it was a lost battle) but this is one of my favourite Decks of all time so I'll still try to write a guide as detailed as possible... Keep in mind that this Decklist isn't optimized yet (I'll try to climb with it and make changes accordingly),that this Deck isn't good if you just want to climb steadily and that it has a pretty steep learning curve if you're not used to the playstyle... On the good side though,unless they highroll,you'll destroy Priests and we all know that making Anduin suffer is what matters the most...
When I write a guide I usually talk about how the Deck performs against each Class and against the most popular Decks from that Class,thing is I haven't played Wild in while so I don't feel comfortable talking about Matchups in the detail for now (I'll report back after playing some more) even though I can safely say that this Deck sucks hard against any kind of Aggro Deck and that it destroys Control Decks for the most part...
So,for now,I'll talk about my card choices and about what other cards could be in the Deck...
The core of the Deck for me is as follows:
- 2x Backstab: 0 mana for 2 damage is a godly early removal,combo activator and free cycle for Auctioneer... Unless I were playing Odd Rogue I'd never build a Deck without 2 of these...
- 2x Preparation: This card is probably something all classes would want to have,mana cheating at its finest... Free cycle for Auctioneer and huge tempo swings combined with Sap or Eviscerate... Also,you can use this to make a huge EVC early and that can be game winning against Aggro or better you're only way to win against Aggro...
- 2x Eviscerate: "2 mana" for 4 damage do I have to say more? It's a great removal option and it's also burst for Maly,same as Backstab I'd never build a Rogue Deck without these...
- 2x Tomb Pillager: Decent body that you gives you free cycle and more mana which means also additional burst...
- 2x Azure Drake: Replaces itself by drawing you card and has Spelldamage which is more impactful than you might think and also makes it a primary target for removal... Also,since it's HOF you might have golden copies around and they are gorgeous so you should use them...
- 2x Gadgetzan Auctioneer: Do I really need to explain this? The Deck wouldn't exist without this card... It's your most important cycle option that makes sure all your 0 cost cards turn into fuel instead of clogging up hand space...
- 1x Emperor Thaurissan: This is obviously here to make Maly work but sometimes even just discount stuff for Auctioneer can be game winning...
- 1x Malygos: Well,it gives the name to the Deck so it's obviously a core card... Maly turns all those cheap spells into bombs to throw at your opponents face so treat it well...
All the other cards are replaceable and depend on the meta...
And now onto the other cards...
- 1x Counterfeit Coin: I have a love and hate relationship with this card... Sometimes it's great because you can use it as free cycle or to play Pillager/Drake a turn earlier but it's a horrible topdeck and can clunk your hand... It's the first card I'd cut if I had to change something...
- 1x Conceal:I've just recently added this and so far it's been so great that I'm thinking about adding a second copy... I haven't played "Classic" Miracle in a while and I had forgotten how swingy a full Auctioneer turn can be... Also it's great if they somehow get rid of Maly and you need a plan B...
- 2x Sinister Strike:I hate this card,it's a horrible topdeck,doesn't affect the boardstate and it's vulnerable to Geist but it's cheap cycle and with a thick of Emperor and two of these half of your opponent's HP is gone so unless ROS gives us a cheap spell that can go face (Highly unlikely) this needs to stay...
- 1x Bloodmage Thalnos:Not as good as it used to be but still kicking... Cycle is always nice especially if it has Spelldamage attached to it and people still see this little minion as a threat so that's less damage going to your face... I wouldn't craft it for this Deck if you don't have it but if you do it's worth trying,still I might cut it if I find something better...
- 2x Jade Shuriken:Early removal,face damage if needed and a body if comboed... I might cut 1 for another Si:7 if there's a lot of Aggro around right now it stays cause you need to use other cards to survive and without this you might lack burst at times...
- 2x Sap:Godly against Big Decks,decent against Hunter and can cause some serious tempo swings combined with Prep...
- 2x Shiv:Gets rid of those pesky Silver Hand recruits and annoying 1 HP minions like Southsea Deckhand and cycles while getting bonus from spelldamage and being able to go face... I might cut one if I really need space for a Tech card but otherwise it stays for the same reason Shuriken does...
- 1x Edwin VanCleef:This is mostly here because it can steal games... An early Edwin can be your only way of winning against Aggro and can also be used as a B plan in case Maly doesn't work along with Conceal... Not worth the craft if you don't have it but a decent option nonetheless
- 1x Fan of Knives:One word: Paladin... This is here just because otherwise dealing with their endless spawn of 1/1s would be a nightmare,also it's the only "AOE" the class will ever be allowed to have so we'll have to work with it...
- 1x SI:7 Agent:A body you can use if you need tempo and a combo effect that can be game winning in the early game... I used to have 2 but now I feel like I need more burst so I cut 1 but I might add it back if there's too much minion spam around...
- 1x Barnes:I'm ashamed of myself but yes I run this stupid minion for the same reason Big Decks do and that is to steal games... Because turn 4 Auctioneer is broken and same goes for 4 mana Maly or two thicks of Emperor and even Spelldamage and more coins can be game winning at times... It's not a core card just cause you need to time it correctly if you don't want to rely too much on RNG...
- 1x Walk the Plank:Removal for big stuff that doesn't require combo that's it... Not indispensable but still a solid choice...
Now for the cards I might consider putting in...
- Razorpetal Lasher:It's a decent body early game and it gives you cycle and burst that isn't vulnerable to Geist...
- Dark Iron Skulker: Again it's all because of Paladin and their stupid tokens otherwise I wouldn't even consider this because it messes up with Barnes and 2 damage at turn 5 doesn't do much...
- Vanish:I loathe this card but it could be good against swarm Decks and against DK Gul'dan board...
- Antique Healbot: We're in desperate need of healing so I might consider this even though it's way less effective than before...
- Elven Minstrel: This is one of the cards I'm more likely to try,it would fix those brick hands with Spells and no Auctioneer but it needs a combo activator and has a crappy body so I'm not entirely sold...
Well,that's it for now I'll play some games and edit if something changes and to add Matchups...
Thanks for reading and may the odds be ever in your favor!
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0- 50
- 31
- 102
- 23
- 34
- 45
- 06
- 37+
- 0 Backstab x 2
- 0 Counterfeit Coin x 1
- 0 Preparation x 2
- 1 Conceal x 1
- 1 Sinister Strike x 2
- 2 Eviscerate x 2
- 2 Fan of Knives x 1
- 2 Jade Shuriken x 2
- 2 Sap x 2
- 2 Shiv x 2
- 3 Edwin VanCleef x 1
- 3 SI:7 Agent x 1
- 4 Tomb Pillager x 2
- 4 Walk the Plank x 1
- 2 Bloodmage Thalnos x 1
- 5 Azure Drake x 2
- 5 Barnes x 1
- 5 Emperor Thaurissan x 1
- 7 Gadgetzan Auctioneer x 2
- 9 Malygos x 1
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