New Imbue Big Beasts Hunter Deck Is CRAZY Awesome At Into the Emerald Dream | Hearthstone
- Highlander Warlock
- Standard
- Ranked
- Fun
- Tinyfin
New Imbue Big Beasts Hunter Deck Is CRAZY Awesome At Into the Emerald Dream | Hearthstone If you can't copy the deck code you can always get all of my decks on my website, or join my Discord, Twitter and Instagram! Good luck, my friends! My opponents: 00:00 Starship Space Druid 06:05 Starship Space Demon Hunter 11:38 Aggro Face Demon Hunter 15:38 Aggro Face Demon Hunter 2 18:30 Leech Death Knight 21:44 Aggro Libram Paladin Deck code: Brawl Deck Class: Hunter Format: Standard Year of the Pegasus # 2x (1) Critter Caretaker 2x (1) Rangari Scout 1x (1) Slumbering Sprite 2x (1) Tracking 2x (2) Bitterbloom Knight 2x (2) Detailed Notes 2x (2) Exotic Houndmaster 2x (3) Hopeful Dryad 2x (3) Raptor Herald 2x (3) Spirit Bond 1x (4) Dragonbane 2x (4) Flutterwing Guardian 2x (4) Mythical Runebear 2x (4) Umbraclaw 1x (5) Barak Kodobane 1x (5) Verdant Dreamsaber 1x (8) Malorne the Waywatcher 1x (9) Goldrinn # AAECAZ/DAwavngb95Qbb9QbO/Aao/QbygwcMqZ8EleIG3+MGsPUG1voG4voG5PoG+vwG94EH74IH4okH9qcHAAA= # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone #ChristianHearthstone #IntotheEmeraldDream #Hearthstone Into the Emerald Dream
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1- 00
- 111
- 42
- 83
- 54
- 25
- 06
- 07+
- 1 Demonic Studies x 2
- 1 Mass Production x 2
- 1 Mortal Coil x 1
- 1 Spirit Bomb x 2
- 2 Cursed Souvenir x 2
- 2 Foreboding Flame x 2
- 3 Cursed Campaign x 2
- 3 Felfire Thrusters x 2
- 3 Hellfire x 2
- 3 Sacrificial Imp x 2
- 4 Dark Alley Pact x 2
- 4 Fine Print x 2
- 4 Summoner Darkmarrow x 1
- 5 Doomguard x 2
- 1 Abusive Sergeant x 1
- 1 Adaptive Amalgam x 2
- 1 Glacial Shard x 1
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