My beloved Malygos
- Malygos Rogue
- Wild
- Ranked
It might be not the best wild malyrogue deck, but it's certainly ok. (and at it's core it is a pretty old and my most beloved version of this Deck <3)
It uses Azure Drake and Tomb Pillager as very good midrange minions.
Sometimes they can win you the game without Malygos.
Edwin VanCleef brings you some victories as well (or at least let's your enemy use a removal spell).
Since you have [Hearthstone Card (Emperor Thaurisan) Not Found] in the deck, the potential is to use all the spells on the enemies face with [Hearthstone Card (Malygos on board) Not Found].
This is a maximum of (I'm not considering Azure Drake and Bloodmage Thalnos):
Eviscerate 9 + 9 dmg = 18 dmg
Sinister Strike 8 + 8 dmg = 16 dmg
Shiv 6 + 6 dmg = 12 dmg
Razorpetal 4x 6 dmg = 24 dmg
for a total of 70 dmg.
Besides of some very unusual situations/enemies this should be enough :)
Thanks to the great number of good midrange minions in this deck it's definitely ok to use some dmg-spells for boardclear or just cycle.
I really love this deck since you just have good tempo with great cycle and a great finisher move.
( Barnes and Edwin VanCleef can sometimes randomly just win you the game LOL )
Razorpetal Volley, Counterfeit Coin, Barnes and Evasion can be changed for Vanish or SI:7 Agent
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0- 60
- 21
- 122
- 13
- 24
- 45
- 06
- 37+
- 0 Backstab x 2
- 0 Counterfeit Coin x 2
- 0 Preparation x 2
- 1 Sinister Strike x 2
- 2 Evasion x 1
- 2 Eviscerate x 2
- 2 Fan of Knives x 2
- 2 Razorpetal Volley x 2
- 2 Sap x 2
- 2 Shiv x 2
- 3 Edwin VanCleef x 1
- 4 Tomb Pillager x 2
- 2 Bloodmage Thalnos x 1
- 5 Azure Drake x 2
- 5 Barnes x 1
- 5 Emperor Thaurissan x 1
- 7 Gadgetzan Auctioneer x 2
- 9 Malygos x 1
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