Infinite Dinomancer Returns

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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The idea of Infinite Dinomancer has been around for awhile and has shown up on Hearthpwn before (I've had my own variations as well). With Uldum out, there's a far more consistent that can be played. The combo is essentially this:

1. Play [Hearthstone Card (Expire Merchant) Not Found] with Cruel Dinomancer in hand to discard it.

2. When the merchant dies (either from trading or from Mortal Coil), play dinomancer.

3. Play Spiritsinger Umbra and trade the dinomancer into something to summon a full board of dinomancers that summon themselves upon death.

Alternatives include just playing the dinomancers without Umbra to have two resummonable minions down or using Baron Rivendare to trigger the deathrattle twice, doubling your number of dinos.


The rest of the deck tries to focus on deathrattle synergy so that you have an alternative game plan in case you don't draw into your Dinos or you want to win earlier. Most of your wins will come from this zoo approach but the dinos are there for your long haul games where you run out of steam.

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