Make Sir Finley great again! [Highlander Mech]

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hello guys,

after trying out different card options at rank 15, I managed to climb with this deck to rank 10. Overall, it's not a great achievement but I'm very happy to reach it with my own deck. As this is my first homebrew deck, I'm sure there is still a lot of possible improvement (suggestions and comments are always welcome).


  • "Non-Meta" - Don't underestimate this factor, people usually don't know exactly against which deck they are playing and therefore make supoptimal choices and/or get surprised by some cards.
  • "Very flexible" - Whether you play this deck fast or slow, there are several ways to approach victory. There are plenty of value cards, but it's also possible to be aggressive early.
  • "Adapt to the current meta/ your card pool" - I build this deck of the cards I have, apart from Zephrys the Great I didn't craft anything. If you want more weapon removal add an ooze, if you don't have The Glass Knight why not putting in Archmage Vargoth instead?


  • "Draw dependent" - As some cards are more specific and you only run one copy of a card it's easier than with other decks to get the wrong hand. Also, there isn't that much card draw included, so be careful to not run out of steam.
  • "Not the most competitive deck" - I don't think this deck is bad but I'm aware that there are better decks out to climb to Rank X. I recommend playing this deck if you want to include your "own" cards (since I got the Glass Knight, I wanted to use him in my decks, same with Sir Finley), trying out new mechanics or playstyles or just having fun :)

General playstyle:

*If the deck gets some attention, I'll write a more detailed guide with mulligan tips and special matchups, so far here's a general overview.*

Depending on the enemy class you decide how to approach the game (more agressive vs. more control/ value orientated). Finley early is always great (nice body and hero power value), against aggressive decks Priest, Warrior or Druid Hero Power are very nice, but as you have some heal don't be afraid to take Mage. If you are following the aggressive playstile Hunter, Druid and Mage Hero powers are preferred. In a control matchup I sometimes pick the warlock Hero Power, especially if I have a bad hand or didn't get any card draw options. Upgraded Paladin, Shaman or Rogue Hero Power are in my opinion the worst ones.

In general you want to focus on the mechs. Always try to get 3 nice magnetized mechs for the Kangor's Endless Army value. Don't worry about the enemies destroying your mechs (Hunter/ Warrior) but be aware of the enemy hexing or silencing your buffed mechs. Use your tech cards (Spellbreaker, Harrison Jones and The Black Knight) wisely and also exchange them according to your needs/ the meta you are facing.

Bronze Herald  has a great synergy with Glowstone Technician. If you have a nice minion curve Sword of Justice on turn 3 is very strong against slower decks and helps you to remove annoying reborn minions.

Don't underestimate the heal value, especially with Crystalsmith Kangor. I almost never play this minion on an empty board, you want to keep it for the healing value with Zilliax or Truesilver Champion.

The Glass Knight might not be a very popular card but even if you don't get any extra heal value its an ok 4 drop. However if you get the heal mechanic off (Finley -> Priest Hero Power) it can go pretty insane and win you single-handedly the game.


In general, it takes some time to get used to play this deck, so don't lose faith when you get a hard start. Also accept when you have a bad draw and try to make the best out of it. For me, the deck is very fun to play, you must think a lot and there are a lot of decisions to make but therefore it feels very good when you win! :)


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the deck!

Please feel free to write comments and suggestions, I'll try to answer them all.

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