Thief Rogue – Stealing Your Way to Victory

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Thief Rogue is by no means a new deck. We have been receiving support for the archetype since Whispers of The Old Gods. This variant of Thief Rogue was built by Kolento with a few tweaks to the in-game deck recipe for the new Quest. You can complete your Quest really quickly thanks to a number of tools that generate cards from other classes. The deck is very fun for those who like playing the value game. To close things off you have Heistbaron Togwaggle and T[Hearthstone Card (ess Greymane) Not Found] for overwhelming your opponent while generating tons of value.

The payout for the quest is not as flashy as some of the other class ones, but Rogue has always had trouble with survivability and Bazaar Burglary helps with that. Getting access to a weapon that negates all incoming damage when you use it definitely helps you grind out longer games instead of relying on aggression.

How to Activate Bazaar Burglary

So, you want to loot the Bazaar? We have quite a few accomplices to help us complete the quest as early as possible. Clever Disguise, Pharaoh Cat and Blink Fox are great early game cards that can help you finish the quest as early as turn 4. Hench-Clan Burglar and Bazaar Mugger are great tools to help you complete the quest as well in case you miss out on your early game cards due to bad draws. Spirit of the Shark is also great for generating more cards from other classes from your Battlecry minions. Do note that you are not guaranteed to get cards from other classes with Pharaoh Cat since it can offer neutral Reborn minions too.

Mulligan Strategy

You always keep your quest as you want to complete it as soon as possible. Bazaar Burglary will always present itself in the mulligan so it will be eating up a slot making your mulligan phase slightly weaker than non-Quest decks as you essentially start with one less card.

Against Aggro: SI:7 Agent, Blink Fox, Backstab, Pharaoh Cat, EVIL Miscreant, EVIL Cable Rat.

Additionally, if you have early activators for Underbelly Fence or an opening for a big Edwin VanCleef, you should adjust your hand accordingly. You should also keep Vendetta if you have a cheap card to draw cards from other classes.

Against Control: Clever Disguise, Pharaoh Cat, Blink Fox, Hench-Clan Burglar.

Against very slow decks you can afford to be greedy and keep Spirit of the Shark with some of your cheaper Battlecry minions to get the most value out of them.


Paladin, Hunter, Warlock, and Rogue:

These are the four most aggressive classes right now you want to generate as much board presence as possible against them. You do not have any board clears in the deck unless you randomly get one from your steal effects. This means that you have to rely on minions like SI:7 Agent and your Lackeys to get the job done. Sap is particularly effective against Magnetic minions and you should save it for high-value threats in these matchups.

Mage, Druid, and Priest

Druid and Priest decks are likely to be running their quests, which will allow you to get ahead on tempo before they can shut you down. Try to be as aggressive as possible and complete your quest so you can dominate the board and shut them down. There are two Mage lists floating around right now with Giants/Cyclone Mage being far more popular than the recent highlander lists. Sap is very important in all three matchups as you can bypass taunts or other large threats and push for lethal. If you take things too slow against these classes, you are in for a world of trouble unless the stolen cards at your disposal can really shut them down.

Warrior and Shaman

These are the two most fun classes to play against since you can go toe to toe against them in terms of value generation. You want to complete the quest as early as possible and focus on generating maximum value after that. Try to get the most out of your Heistbaron Togwaggle and Tess Greymane in these matchups to beat them. If you do end up facing Bomb Warriors instead of Control or Taunt Warrior, try to kill them before it is too late.

You could also try to look for healing from your Hench-Clan Burglar to buy yourself time against their Bombs. Quest Shaman is far more popular than Murloc variants from personal stats but if you do face aggressive Shaman lists, you should try to control the board to avoid being swarmed by their minions.

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