Bat-Lock: A Handbuff Plot Twist Adventure

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Do you have what it takes to be Master of the Night?

Can you conquer the tombs, reclaim the tome, twist the fates and summon the mightiest of all Loa???

Then join the mighty Night Army! Play Bat-lock TODAY!

Okay so who are you and what am I looking at:

Aaaaahhh... a curious young recruit perhaps~? Why I am but a simple deck builder with a simple dream: to make Hir'eek, the Bat playable in constructed standard by any means necessary. And I daresay I've managed to succeed in my quest several times over~ ;)

So all jokes aside, the deck you see here is probably my 12th quest lock iteration since the expansion was released and in all honesty it's the deck I've had both the most success AND the most fun with.

The premise is simple: use EVIL lackey generators in the early game to keep yourself from being outright steamrolled, re-coop some lost health with your tanky deathrattle taunts in the mid game if necessary, then top it all off with the infamous Dollmaster Dorian / Fel Lord Betrug + Plot Twist combo to generate overwhelming value and hand advantage against your opponent.

New comer cards Khartut Defender and Anubisath Warbringer make your Plot Twist combos a lot more rewarding and open up several new avenues of complex and powerful play.

While it may look out of place at first glance, the Lackey package this deck uses is actually incredibly strong and flexible, able to single-handedly keep you in the game from turns 1-5 all while still remaining relevant in the late game thanks to both Dark Pharaoh Tekahn and the newly added Titanic Lackey.

And last but certainly not least, there's the beating, blood drinking soul of the deck, Hir'eek, the Bat. As you might've guessed, the idea here is to essentially force Anubisath Warbringer's deathrattle to pop while Hir'eek is in your hand, turning Hir'eek into an "Anytime" Chef Nomi.

You can do so by either by pulling both of them at the same time with Dorian / Betrug (the preferred, if somewhat unlikely and unreliable option) or by using any combination of Titanic Lackey, Goblin Lackey, your upgraded "Tome of Origination" hero power, or even Plague of Flames in some rare cases to make playing and killing off your Warbringers much more feasible.

Frankly, there are a lot of very interesting and nuanced ways that you can somewhat sneak Warbringer onto the battlefield without having it Silenced, Hex'd, Sapped, etc. and all without giving up much in terms of ceded tempo, and even if one or two of them don't actually hit while Hir'eek is in your hand, you're still likely to get tons of value out of buffing all the other cards in your hand, especially all those 4/4 lackey's and taunt minions.

Deck Tips and Tricks

  • Titanic Lackey and Goblin Lackey are your best friends late games, as both provide avenues for you to trigger Anubisath Warbringer deathrattle should plot twist fail. 
  • Remember that [Hearthstone Card (Sinister Plan) Not Found] is a discover effect, meaning you have a lot more control on what Lackey you get (a roughly 50% chance for any one specfic Lackey). Use that to plan turns where you really need specific Lackeys accordingly
  • Remember that Dark Pharaoh Tekahn works exactly the same way as Crystal Core from the old rogue quest, meaning ALL Lackeys after you've played Tekahn, whether they're in your hand, already on the field, or have yet to be generated will immediately become minions with 4/4 as their stat line. This can lead to some confusing interactions you might not think of such as summoning 4/4 Lackey's with Dorian, buffing a wide board of lackeys you set up turn 4 by +3/+3, and accidentally overwriting 2 or more procs of Warbringers Deathrattle, so plan accordingly and always try to pop your Warbringers AFTER you've played Tekahn. 


  • Always keep Dollmaster Dorian. If you already have Dorian in hand, keeping Plot Twist is also generally advised against everything but the most aggressive decks on ladder.
  • Always keep Questing Explorer.
  • Against Aggro and Zoo type decks, also keep Hellfire, as many Lackey generation cards as you can, and Plague of Flames if you have at least one Lackey generator. 
  • Against control, almost always keep Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, Rotten Applebaum and Sinister Deal. You can keep other Lackey generators as safe picks if need be, but don't take EVIL Genius as you'll be tapping a lot vs control and might end up burning cards through overdraw. Save that card for late game when you already have Tekahn up.

How it feels to chew 5 gum Summon Hir'eek

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  • YourPrivateNightmare's Avatar
    Skeleton 2010 4741 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    what even is the point of the quest in this deck? Wouldn't it make more sense to just run more contol tools instead? Also, why not also run Omega Agent if you're going the Handbuff route? Could imrpove your performance against decks with multiple boardclears

  • JodyV's Avatar
    Pikachu 400 206 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    man it looks like fun, I have all cards except our main man [Hearthstone Card (Dark Pharaoh Tekahn) Not Found]

    • JodyV's Avatar
      Pikachu 400 206 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
      Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

      It looks like RNGesus was listening! 



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