GrovesK's Reno Hunter /w N'Zoth (ULDUM)

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Greetings my fellow Hearthstone players!

It's almost a week after new expansion release and I decided to use my free time to write some sort of intorduction to this deck


Just quickly want to say, that I'm really big fan of any Reno deck variation, so on my profile you can find mostly Reno decks (except few) for almost all classes  (except few, but it's in process) - so just click on that profile and find the one which u just wanna try out - but still don't forget to upvote or write some comment! And now… let's start! 


The most important thing for all of you is - WinRate.


I am really happy to tell you that Reno Hunter might really become a Tier Deck - not 100% sure, but from what I see I think that it really has potentional!

I wasn't able to try Secret Version of this Deck with Subject 9 so I can't really tell if this deck performs better, but even that we had some really good games and I believe that we have a chance to make Reno Hunter stronger than he was previous expansion!

So right now I wasn't capable to play enormous amount of games but so far we are at solid 63-67% WR, which is pretty nice!


I'm not gonna write very long list of matchups, mulligan and replacements.

First reason is - I'm still testing this deck and even with this WinRate there is always a way how to improve and second - a lot of players on Wild seem to know what is going on even without it, if there is not some sort of really hard combo which needs some explanation.

But as always - comment section down bellow works very well if you are not sure about something, just leave your question there and I will try to answer you as fast as possible.

If you wanna see how this deck perform live and thinking about crafting - you can check my stream (yes, little ad here :3)

So good luck on ladder, have fun and enjoy your daily dose of Reno decks!

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  • Malkav's Avatar
    145 12 Posts Joined 06/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

    Nice deck! I'll try it. 

    But what do you think include Brann Bronzebeard? There some good battlecries that would be nice to double.

    • GrovesKOfficial's Avatar
      110 6 Posts Joined 06/02/2019
      Posted 5 years, 3 months ago

      I tried to somehow put Brann into this deck numerous times but the problem is in tempo loss. Your huge problem is early game, you just can't hold brann in your hand and wait for the best opportunity - Zephrys or new Brann. Meta is just too aggresive to play Reno Hunter like that.


       You can still definitely try that, maybe u will be luckier than I am. With this version I'm curently on 62% WR and maybe I will later on try to add him again tho :D


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