Brewing Mummies - Quest Paladin

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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I'm not the best player, but I've been having fun and success (success is a relative term) with this deck. I often ran out of steam or options with a standard quest build, so I added two Witch's Cauldrons and haven't looked back; Shaman has lots of AOE, single target damage, resurrect, evolve, and I've even had a Plague of Murlocs comboed with The Storm Bringer to completely turn a game around. My brain is slow sometimes, so trying to process random spells and the unexpected Paladin mana Overload can be challenging yet rewarding.

Basic gameplay:

Slam down Reborn minions to stall the game until the quest is complete. Start making copies of your Deathrattle token generators. Magnetize those with Taunt and other buffs so your opponent has to deal with the big tokens. Stay alive with Lifesteal. Drop a Witch's Cauldron to generate value or make your opponent waste resources killing it. But also, have fun! It sometimes feels like a single-player adventure with the silly amount of value that can be generated. 

Some card choices:

  • Crystology - One copy because it can be a dead draw late game.
  • Lightforged Blessing - Ridiculous in this deck on the big 7/7 or 8/8 tokens. It's even really good to paste on a 0/5 Mechano-Egg. Your opponent won't necessarily want to kill it, so you can make tons of 2/2s with Lifesteal.
  • Micro Mummy - I only have one because it feels really slow. I added a Candletaker instead, which is a bit more threatening and also curves nicely.
  • Witch's Cauldron - Extremely versatile. If your opponent is forced to go through your taunts, this generates a lot of value. If you trade in your Reborn minions, this generates value. If you really start running out of options, this can be duplicated for twice the spells. If your mulligan is terrible, it can even be slammed down on turn 3 to soak up 4 damage.
  • Zilliax - Magnetizing Rush, Lifesteal, and Taunt on a Mechano-Egg or Mechanical Whelp is good. Duplicating that is better.
  • Khartut Defender - This can soak up a ton of damage, especially when duplicated.
  • Kangor's Endless Army - Even if all you've played is Annoy-o-Module and Zilliax, dropping this on turn 7 can sometimes slow the game down enough to start generating value.
  • Wrapped Golem - It's actually a pretty big threat. The duplicated copy Reborn with 7 attack is not something your opponent can take lightly. I only run one because I felt like I always drew two in the opening turns.

Chopping block:

  • SN1P-SN4P - I know it can have anti-synergy with Kangor's Endless Army, but it can help contest the board on turn 3 or inflate another mech for that extra boost of damage. I like it so far.
  • Consecration - Not a mandatory include, but I find that it helps combat lackey spam and stifles some aggro decks. I run two copies.
  • Ancestral Guardian - I'm running two copies for now, but it feels really slow and clunky sometimes. The Lifesteal is often overheal, but getting 4 attack on the board is pretty big early on. I may replace one copy with a second Candletaker.

Possible subs:

  • Subdue - Haven't tried it, but could help deal with big threats.
  • Blackwald Pixie - Crazy value late game, and a sizeable threat early on. It may be better than SN1P-SN4P in this deck.
  • Time Out! - Also haven't tried it, but it sometimes feels like it would just take one more turn to stabilize everything.
  • Shrink Ray - Tried once, and works pretty great if you only have a pile of eggs on the board versus a large board on your opponent's side.

Well, have a great summer.

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