Makin' Bacon

Last updated 5 years, 3 months ago by
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Deck is hilarious. Super fun to play and has no problem transitioning into the late game. The Quest reward is just oozing with value, especially with the targets you run in this deck. You typically complete the quest by turn 7 or 8, which is a good time to begin cloning your value bois.


Card Choices

Wrapped Golem is without a doubt the MVP of this deck. If the opponent doesn't take care of it if you happen to play it on curve, it snowballs super out of control. It's even better if you get to copy it with your hero power. This card is amazing and you should hope to see it every game.

Temple Berserker is not in this deck because it doesn't do enough for me, personally. It's a 1/2 on turn 2 that rarely contests any 2 drops the opponent will play. Most of the time it'll just be ignored and you'll be sad that all you did was play a 1-attack minion on turn 2. Micro Mummy has the upside that it continually gives attack buffs every turn, forcing your opponent to deal with it or watch you get sick value from all the trades you get from the buffs it provides. The other 2 drops you have are definitely more proactive and can help you maintain or at least not lose the board too hard in the early game.

Harvest Golem is basically a Reborn minion without the keyword. It's a solid turn 3 play and is a mech, so it can be magnetized. Definitely a must include.

Cairne Bloodhoof and Mechanical Whelp are your typical clone targets on turn 8. Their deathrattles are very much abuseable with the Quest reward, so use it to force the AoE out of control decks. (The best target to clone tho is ya boi Golem, don't get it f*cked up)

We include 1 copy of Subdue just deal deal with the occasional big minion that gets cheated out in the early game (probably Mountain Giant), but its also good as occasional spot removal and to help keep your board healthy by making trades easier.

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