A wall of Lucentbark's

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
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Hi Guys,


I'd like to share my all new Lucentbark deck with you. It is hilarious when your N'zoth makes you a full wall and often assures you the win, because you can regenerate them all the time.

Boardcontrol and survival early on is key and different for each deck. As this can be slow, getting a good hand and your quest done will help you get there. It will take some tinkering to get the list right (and i don't own psychmelon yet) but still this proves to be hard to beat after you start building your wall. Hope that some of your suggestions can make this old tree shine.

Against Priest:

Priest is the only hard one as they can silence and destroy the whole board. Keep N'zoth until you can play elise to get around that problem.

Against Shaman:

Shaman gets your guys with mc tech and silences. Only play Lucentbark when you already have floop, to drop and copy it next turn so you won't run out of them so easily.

Against Warrior:

Control is a sure win, he won't have enough aoe to get to you and you can drop Elysiana too. Agro is hard, you need to keep alive and avoid otk's uprising.

Rogue: Tempo can be a thing, complete your quest asap and keep healing out of range, you will have enough of it most of the time. Burglar's can be tricky but after the wall they need to find some AOE to get to you or they lose.

Mage: didnt have much of a problem with them sofar, but let me know if you run into some.

Hunter: Get your mana asap and use taunts to keep 8/8 dinosaurs from hitting face. Besides that they run out of steam.

Warlock: Against zoo: get quest done and remove the board, drop taunts. Against the new N'zoth deck, watch out for their ability to steal your taunts. Against quest: rng from Rafaam can deal you in (maybe), but i have to see that first.

Paladin: Control can be tricky as he can deal so much damage in the end. Beware of early murloc action, but even alot of 6/6's don't beat a wall of 4/8's that keep coming back (or use your zephrys for aoe and heal after).

Druid: stay out of range of Maly cause slow against slow is dangerous. Multiple Zephrys will be a problem and with a bunch of 6/6 your worst matchup, but you never know if you wall lives...


!ANY Zephrys deck: keep N'zoth handy and play after Zephrys silences your wall. You will surely lose if you don't.

Your Zephrys: Zephrys can get your wall  of 6 4/8's some bloodlust and that makes 24+18 = 42 damage. Trees do hurt sometimes! ^^

I had a real laugh with this deck, i hope you will too!









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