Keleseth Control Warlock

Last updated 5 years, 8 months ago by
  • Ranked

OMG NO DEFILE?  Yeah...I climbed twice from rank 5 to legend without defile but with keleseth instead (currently 61% in 183 games). Briefly...first of all and most important this is a super fun control/tempo warlock deck with good results as well.  TBH the only really bad matchup of this deck is..guess what...hunter! 

VS mechathun druid/combo druid :   Really important to go by tempo , and ofc search for kele in the mulligan. You will probably draw zihi by the end of the game so you will be able to counter your opponent. I noticed that even if I didnt have manari by the 5th turn, I could still win druids, especially mechathun druid. 
VS odd mage :  Staying alive is your priority, so try to find your 3 mana taunts during mulligan.
VS odd warrrior: This is a tricky one, keleseth is super important so you will outvalue your opponent and force him use his resources in early game. You also need to be a good player and have manari turn 5. It's a difficult matchup but you can outvalue your opponent by silencing their 3-6 taunts and win in fatique. 
VS wall priest: 2 silence and 1 siphon is super enough to outvalue your opponent
VS clown priest: That was the most enjoyable matchup , you just have to find the perfect timing to play zihi and go smorc 
VS hunter: Just draw manari and a good hellfire or u lose :) 

I found it very enjoyable playing my favorite class and something different at the same time. Obviously, the lack of defile is a huge con, but keleseth giving you huge mid game . Plus, your opponent doesnt expect that outcome when he first sees warlock, so gg. 

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