Four Horsemen riding the Dragon

Last updated 5 years ago by
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Hi everyone, escabe here with another deck writeup on

As I already mentioned in the explanations to my Hakkar-Priest-Deck, I was a huge fan of decks that used alternate win conditions when playing YuGiOh back in the days. That's why I was pretty hyped when Uther of the Ebon Blade was announced.
There are seveal options on how to make him work, I personally like the one with Brewmasters and Garrison Commander a lot.
Reason for that is, that you can build up to the OTK over the course of the game without impeding your play all that much.

I started playing this deck back in 2017, adjusting it several times and incorporating newly released cards along the way.
The nerf of Equality impacted this deck quite a bit, so I haven't touched it for some time.
With Descent of Dragons around the corner, I plan on revamping this deck once again and get some ranking done in Wild.


How it works

Step 1
Play Uther of the Ebon Blade.

Step 2
Over the course of the next couple of turns, bounce two different Horsemen to your hand with Youthful Brewmaster.

Step 3
When you are ready to kill your opponent, drop both Horsemen from your hand together with Garrison Commander. Now you can simply hit that hero power button twice to obliterate your opponent, no matter how much health and armor they have.
Important note: You have to drop the Horsemen from your hand before using your hero power in order to avoid getting two copies of one Horseman.
Another note: Be aware of how many minions you have on board. The combo uses up 5 board slots.

Step 4
Do victory dance and start the next match.

The combo can also be pulled off without drawing into all combo pieces, if your opponent is not able to clear the Horsemen. So make sure that you hit that hero power each and every turn.

Anything else outside of those four cards serves the purpose of drawing, healing or stalling/clearing the board.


How I tend to mulligan

I always go for Crystology and Novice Engineer.
I suppose Nozdormu the Timeless should also be a great keep.
I do like to keep Uther of the Ebon Blade.
I ditch all other combo pieces.
I look for Equality or Shrink Ray, regardless of the matchup.
I'd rather not keep Wild Pyromancer without having one of the aforementioned spells.


Flex spots

The biggest question mark I have right now is with High Priest Thekal, due to the upcoming release of Platebreaker.
It definitely forces you to keep Thekal until you are able to significantly heal in the same turn as well. Therefore it remains to be seen whether [Hearthstone Card (High Priest Tekal) Not Found] is still viable. If not, the remaining heal cvards have also to be re-evaluated

Another flexible thing is the Taunt roster. I went with Khartut Defender, Sunkeeper Tarim and Spikeridged Steed.
There are other viable options out there as well, e.g. Safeguard, Rotten Applebaum...

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  • Siegfrieddo's Avatar
    Llanowar Elves 410 217 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Have you tried Exodia Pala with Beardo and 1 cost spells? Feels amazing and even wins some games!

    I had a deck page for it in the old site but hasn't brought it here. Might even end up in Wild Weekend decks! You interested?


    • escabe's Avatar
      285 29 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

      Sure, haven't played the deck in a while. Would be fun.

  • Siegfrieddo's Avatar
    Llanowar Elves 410 217 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hi there man! Thanks for bringing this up! I was always a big fan of Exodia Pala and it’s great to see a new twist on it. I played more the Beardo version with 1 mana spells and it was great because I could use Call to Arms but anyway. Using the new Nozdormu to ramp into Uther and your big bombs must feel amazing! Can’t wait to try it. Let us know how the deck goes in ladder

    • escabe's Avatar
      285 29 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
      Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

      Hi Siegfrieddo. Thanks for your comment.
      I'll definitely update it as I go. Played a few games over the last couple of days with a slightly differend list and it feels pretty good (Low ranks, 9-4 atm).


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