Top Secret Transparency Report

Below you can find the generated report from this competition. Please note the number in brackets beside an entrant's name is their submission id. The lowest number is the first submission created in this competition.

We will not disclose the individual voters of each card and their scores to prevent potential harassment.

Entrant Views Entry Votes Finalist Votes
1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc
linkblade91 (430) 87 7 12 20 29 12 80 3.33750 7 7 18 24 9 65 3.32308
Demonxz95 (447) 68 7 13 15 22 8 65 3.16923 11 9 16 14 14 64 3.17188
Xarkkal (458) 68 10 8 21 16 10 65 3.12308 15 5 13 16 15 64 3.17188
RazorOfArtorias (437) 75 7 13 26 20 8 74 3.12162 11 13 11 14 16 65 3.16923
KANSAS (470) 60 5 9 25 12 7 58 3.12069 10 11 16 15 11 63 3.09524
meisterz39 (432) 85 7 16 26 22 11 82 3.17073 10 11 17 17 9 64 3.06250
grayghost39 (467) 61 6 12 15 19 6 58 3.12069 11 13 16 15 11 66 3.03030
Wailor (461) 69 7 12 19 19 10 67 3.19403 9 12 20 14 8 63 3.00000
Hordaki (462) 69 7 9 27 17 7 67 3.11940 7 14 24 10 9 64 3.00000
Pokeniner (422) 84 7 19 19 24 11 80 3.16250 15 13 17 13 5 63 2.68254
forgloryus (439) 77 9 16 17 23 9 74 3.09459
HyperOrange (454) 68 11 11 18 10 14 64 3.07813
Sothis (459) 69 8 13 19 16 9 65 3.07692
ShadowsOfSense (423) 85 16 13 18 23 14 84 3.07143
Superissacboy (435) 78 20 8 13 22 12 75 2.97333
NekroDan (443) 68 8 11 27 13 6 65 2.96923
grumpymonk (474) 60 3 13 22 13 2 53 2.96226
anchorm4n (448) 68 12 9 18 14 7 60 2.91667
xOwleyex (464) 69 8 15 24 13 6 66 2.90909
shaveyou (483) 61 12 11 12 11 8 54 2.85185
JFK (479) 60 8 13 20 13 3 57 2.82456
Tox (455) 68 14 13 20 9 10 66 2.81818
Conduit (452) 68 12 12 22 11 6 63 2.79365
thepowrofcheese (466) 61 14 9 19 11 5 58 2.72414
MathU (436) 78 16 18 21 13 8 76 2.72368
MenacingBagel (472) 60 12 12 15 13 3 55 2.69091
griffior (429) 87 24 20 12 20 9 85 2.64706
hereharehere (424) 84 17 24 22 12 8 83 2.63855
RE0337 (478) 60 12 12 18 10 3 55 2.63636
GoliathTheDwarf (428) 86 19 24 18 15 8 84 2.63095
CableKnight (463) 69 21 10 16 11 7 65 2.58462
Thez (445) 68 16 17 19 8 6 66 2.56061
Shivershine (442) 71 15 17 23 9 3 67 2.52239
ChocolateChipCooke (446) 68 16 16 19 12 2 65 2.50769
PneumaPilot (433) 87 19 23 31 6 6 85 2.49412
Jhamel (481) 60 16 16 15 6 6 59 2.49153
CursedParrot (431) 86 26 25 14 12 5 82 2.32927
DestroyerR (434) 84 33 15 12 8 10 78 2.32051
FrostyFeet (471) 60 16 17 11 8 2 54 2.31481
michaelis65 (482) 61 20 14 15 8 2 59 2.28814
samwisetarly (468) 61 14 23 12 6 2 57 2.28070
sinti (475) 60 15 16 13 5 2 51 2.27451
LuckyTiger151 (425) 84 28 19 23 9 3 82 2.26829
TheHoax91 (451) 68 27 12 8 10 5 62 2.25806
Nirast (480) 60 19 16 12 6 3 56 2.25000
Orinoco (426) 86 33 20 18 10 3 84 2.16667
R (469) 61 19 21 13 5 1 59 2.11864
Sol (441) 71 23 21 18 5 1 68 2.11765
Dermostatic (456) 69 28 16 15 4 3 66 2.06061
Sinth (465) 63 25 20 7 4 4 60 2.03333
Neoguli (460) 69 35 12 6 13 0 66 1.95455
Carew6 (457) 68 29 21 6 6 2 64 1.92188
EWoodcaster (450) 68 33 17 10 2 3 65 1.84615
Lemushki (449) 68 39 12 7 7 1 66 1.77273
dembro (444) 69 36 17 5 5 2 65 1.76923
Feuerrabe (476) 7 5 2 0 0 1 8 1.75000
DQ Reason for Feuerrabe: You can only submit one entry each week.
ddddc60229 (438) 75 41 19 10 5 0 75 1.72000
ramysunray (477) 60 32 10 6 4 1 53 1.71698
Devizz (427) 87 57 14 7 3 2 83 1.54217
DescentOfDragonsOp (440) 74 57 10 3 0 1 71 1.28169
ANMW0327 (473) 19 17 1 0 0 0 18 1.05556
DQ Reason for ANMW0327:

Unfortunately, this submission did not feature a card.

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