Do You Copy? Transparency Report

Below you can find the generated report from this competition. Please note the number in brackets beside an entrant's name is their submission id. The lowest number is the first submission created in this competition.

We will not disclose the individual voters of each card and their scores to prevent potential harassment.

Entrant Views Entry Votes Finalist Votes
1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc 1* 2* 3* 4* 5* Tot* Calc
shaveyou (158) 69 1 3 17 30 19 70 3.90000 3 3 9 20 19 54 3.90741
BasilAnguis (142) 76 4 7 14 23 23 71 3.76056 3 12 10 12 17 54 3.51852
thepowrofcheese (145) 77 5 7 23 14 26 75 3.65333 4 6 18 11 15 54 3.50000
brownhackwtf (159) 69 3 7 20 20 19 69 3.65217 4 8 15 13 14 54 3.46296
RazorOfArtorias (165) 66 3 6 18 22 15 64 3.62500 6 6 16 11 13 52 3.36538
ZardozSpeakz (172) 62 5 7 11 18 19 60 3.65000 6 12 11 12 13 54 3.25926
economicaooc (166) 66 2 6 17 29 11 65 3.63077 4 10 19 13 7 53 3.16981
GoliathTheDwarf (136) 81 3 7 24 26 14 74 3.55405 11 10 23 5 3 52 2.59615
sinti (174) 63 1 8 17 21 10 57 3.54386
Demonxz95 (146) 75 3 7 23 29 12 74 3.54054
Hordaki (133) 79 2 8 26 25 13 74 3.52703
Conduit (132) 80 3 12 17 28 14 74 3.51351
anchorm4n (163) 65 5 8 16 18 16 63 3.50794
MrRhapsody (149) 72 7 7 15 30 13 72 3.48611
Orrien (173) 61 4 9 11 25 10 59 3.47458
GameTheory345 (175) 60 3 5 20 20 9 57 3.47368
ShadowsOfSense (179) 62 2 5 18 21 5 51 3.43137
linkblade91 (135) 81 3 13 24 22 15 77 3.42857
DestroyerR (153) 70 4 7 22 25 9 67 3.41791
JFK (177) 60 5 11 19 12 9 56 3.16071
MathU (138) 80 11 12 19 23 11 76 3.14474
Toble (160) 70 8 17 18 15 12 70 3.08571
RenoLord (169) 64 10 15 10 16 11 62 3.04839
Dermostatic (171) 64 9 8 24 12 7 60 3.00000
KANSAS (164) 65 5 18 19 15 6 63 2.98413
shatterstar1998 (167) 66 8 10 25 16 4 63 2.96825
ArngrimUndying (154) 70 9 14 20 17 6 66 2.95455
Wailor (148) 75 7 21 24 15 7 74 2.91892
Orinoco (134) 82 14 17 21 19 8 79 2.87342
DottyIs0p (147) 76 12 17 19 14 8 70 2.84286
MenacingBagel (162) 66 8 19 17 18 3 65 2.83077
Elvaeyn (156) 69 14 16 14 16 8 68 2.82353
Superkowboj1 (157) 69 9 22 19 14 4 68 2.73529
Xarkkal (150) 71 15 15 20 13 6 69 2.71014
DescentOfDragonsOp (143) 77 10 26 21 13 4 74 2.66216
michaelis65 (178) 61 8 23 13 8 5 57 2.63158
Fedrion (152) 70 13 26 12 14 5 70 2.60000
DQ Reason for Fedrion: This doesn't seem to be copying anything. It creates an entirely new card, and then adds to of it to your hand.
Mercynary9 (137) 81 21 16 17 10 5 69 2.44928
forgloryus (139) 79 16 21 25 10 1 73 2.43836
ThatBird (155) 69 22 16 14 10 5 67 2.40299
Jhamel (176) 60 19 14 10 11 3 57 2.38596
SamHobbs494 (168) 65 19 12 20 8 2 61 2.37705
Phoenix (161) 68 20 20 15 8 3 66 2.30303
DQ Reason for Phoenix: Hero Powers were not on the list of acceptable copy targets.
Abobominator (140) 78 29 19 15 8 2 73 2.10959
h0lysatan (144) 76 40 17 13 2 1 73 1.72603
YannyHD (141) 78 42 20 4 6 0 72 1.63889
Mrreferee (151) 71 64 1 0 1 5 71 1.33803
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