
Last updated 3 years, 2 months ago by
  • Normal
  • Casual
  • Theorycraft

The idea with this party was mostly to just be as disruptive as possible to our opponent through slowing their ability speeds and freezing their Mercs. We use Varden, Jaina and The Lich King for all of our Freeze and Frost Damage Synergy. Ice Floes is nice as it gives us +3 Frost Damage every turn, synergizing nicely with all of Varden's abilities. Band of Frost on Varden is an additional way to increase of Frost Damage by +3 as long as we are Freezing enemies with abilities like TLK's Frostshield and Varden's Cold Snap. 

We also have a "slow" component in the build. TLK has Frostmourne as the equipment to go along with Frostbite, slowing the speed of each enemies ability that was casted this turn by 5 permanently. Coupled with Diablo for Apocalypse - dealing Critical damage to all enemies and Fire Stomp/Doom Charge slow/acted abilities we have a pretty serious powerhouse. We polish off the lineup with Cairne, another speed disruptor and Grom, who also has a slow along with major attack buffs. I am still considering a replacement for Grom.

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